Elvis Presley
A World Of Our Own

You kiss me darling, a miracle starts
A magic feeling, comes into our hearts
The spell of love began, when we're alone
And we're in, a world of our own

You say you want me, and music I hear
Touch me my darling, and clouds disappear
The sky is bright above, and cares have flown
And we're in, a world of our own

Holding you close, is heaven
Only I know, what it's worth
Knowing you're mine, forever
Is the greatest wonder on earth

Nothing can change it, the magic's begun
When we're together, our hearts become one
I find a happiness, I've never known
When we're in, a world of our own

When we're in...a world of our own...

Mirror lyrics:

When we're in...a world of our own...

When we're in, a world of our own
I find a happiness, I've never known
When we're together, our hearts become one
Nothing can change it, the magic's begun

Is the greatest wonder on earth
Knowing you're mine, forever
Only I know, what it's worth
Holding you close, is heaven

And we're in, a world of our own
The sky is bright above, and cares have flown
Touch me my darling, and clouds disappear
You say you want me, and music I hear

And we're in, a world of our own
The spell of love began, when we're alone
A magic feeling, comes into our hearts
You kiss me darling, a miracle starts

Relevant Tags:
AA WWorld OOf OOur OOwn orld f ur wn A oWrld fO uOr wOn z aorld kf kur kwn zA aWorld kOf kOur kOwn Az Waorld Okf Okur Okwn
q 3orld 9f 9ur 9wn qA 3World 9Of 9Our 9Own Aq W3orld O9f O9ur O9wn s dorld 0f 0ur 0wn sA dWorld 0Of 0Our 0Own As Wdorld O0f O0ur O0wn
w eorld lf lur lwn wA eWorld lOf lOur lOwn Aw Weorld Olf Olur Olwn x sorld if iur iwn xA sWorld iOf iOur iOwn Ax Wsorld Oif Oiur Oiwn
2orld Off Ouur Owwn 2World O Or On W2orld Of Oru Onw qorld Oc Ohr Oan qWorld Ocf Ohur Oawn Wqorld Ofc Ouhr Owan
Woorld Or O7r O3n Wrld Orf O7ur O3wn Wrold Ofr Ou7r Ow3n Wkrld Og Okr Odn Wkorld Ogf Odwn Wokrld Ofg Oukr Owdn
W9rld Ot Oir Oen W9orld Otf Oewn Wo9rld Oft Ouir Owen W0rld Ov O8r Osn W0orld Ovf O8ur Oswn Wo0rld Ofv Ou8r Owsn
Wlrld Od Ojr O2n Wlorld Odf Ojur O2wn Wolrld Ofd Oujr Ow2n Wirld Oyr Oqn Wiorld Oyur Oqwn Woirld Ouyr Owqn
Worrld Ourr Ownn Wold Ou Ow Wolrd Our Own Wodld Oud Owm Wodrld Oudr Owmn Wordld Ourd Ownm
Wo4ld Ou4 Owh Wo4rld Ou4r Owhn

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