Emiliana Torrini
Lay Down

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown

We were so close, there was no room
We bled inside, each other's wounds
We all had caught, the same disease
We all sang, the songs of peace

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown

So raise the candles high
'Cause if you don't we could stay black against the night

Oh, raise them higher again
And if you do we could stay dry against the rain

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown

We were so close, there was no room
We bled inside, each other's wounds
We all had caught, the same disease
We all sang, the songs of peace

Some came to sing
Some came to pray
Some came to keep
The dark away

Some came to sing
Some came to pray
Some came to keep
The dark away

So raise the candles high
'Cause if you don't we could stay black against the night

Oh raise them high again
And if you do we could stay dry against the rain

Lay down lay down
Lay it all down
Let your white birds smile up
At the ones who stand and frown ...

Mirror lyrics:

At the ones who stand and frown ...
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain
Oh raise them high again

'Cause if you don't we could stay black against the night
So raise the candles high

The dark away
Some came to keep
Some came to pray
Some came to sing

The dark away
Some came to keep
Some came to pray
Some came to sing

We all sang, the songs of peace
We all had caught, the same disease
We bled inside, each other's wounds
We were so close, there was no room

At the ones who stand and frown
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

At the ones who stand and frown
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain
Oh, raise them higher again

'Cause if you don't we could stay black against the night
So raise the candles high

At the ones who stand and frown
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

At the ones who stand and frown
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

We all sang, the songs of peace
We all had caught, the same disease
We bled inside, each other's wounds
We were so close, there was no room

At the ones who stand and frown
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

At the ones who stand and frown
Let your white birds smile up
Lay it all down
Lay down lay down

Relevant Tags:
LLay DDown ay own aLy oDwn kay xown kLay xDown Lkay Dxown oay eown oLay eDown Loay Deown pay fown pLay fDown
Lpay Dfown Laay rown Ly rDown Lya Drown Lzy cown Lzay cDown Lazy Dcown Lqy sown Lqay sDown Laqy Dsown Lsy Doown
Lsay Dwn Lasy Dwon Lwy Dkwn Lway Dkown Lawy Dokwn Lxy D9wn Lxay D9own Laxy Do9wn Layy D0wn La D0own Lay Do0wn
Lag Dlwn Lagy Dlown Layg Dolwn Lah Diwn Lahy Diown Layh Doiwn

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