Elements Of Life
I'll Take A Chance

My friends all tell me that I shouldn't believe in you
Sometimes I wonder and I ask myself what should I do
What I'm feeling, I can't explain somehow I know it's true
I'm here for you, and if you want me too

I'll take a chance with you, you in love
You're all that I need, the air I breath
You mean the world to me

Verse 2:
My friends they ask me what is it I see in you
If I had an answer, tell me why am I still so confused
What I'm feeling I can't explain somehow I know it's true
I'm here for you, and if you want me too

I'll take a chance with you, you in love
You're all I need, the air I breath
You mean the world to me

What I'm feeling I cant explain somehow I know it's true
I'm here for you (I'm here for you) (I'm here for you)
And if you want me too

I'll take a chance with you, you in love
You're all I need the air I breath
You mean the world to me

I'll take a chance with you in love
You're the one I need the air I breath
You mean the world to me

Anything you want my love I'll give it to you baby
I give you my heart and my soul
Yeah uh ohh

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah uh ohh
I give you my heart and my soul
Anything you want my love I'll give it to you baby

You mean the world to me
You're the one I need the air I breath
I'll take a chance with you in love

You mean the world to me
You're all I need the air I breath
I'll take a chance with you, you in love

And if you want me too
I'm here for you (I'm here for you) (I'm here for you)
What I'm feeling I cant explain somehow I know it's true

You mean the world to me
You're all I need, the air I breath
I'll take a chance with you, you in love

I'm here for you, and if you want me too
What I'm feeling I can't explain somehow I know it's true
If I had an answer, tell me why am I still so confused
My friends they ask me what is it I see in you
Verse 2:

You mean the world to me
You're all that I need, the air I breath
I'll take a chance with you, you in love

I'm here for you, and if you want me too
What I'm feeling, I can't explain somehow I know it's true
Sometimes I wonder and I ask myself what should I do
My friends all tell me that I shouldn't believe in you

Relevant Tags:
II'll TTake AA CChance 'll ake hance 'Ill aTke A hCance j'll fake z fhance jI'll fTake zA fChance Ij'll Tfake Az Cfhance
9'll 5ake q xhance 9I'll 5Take qA xChance I9'll T5ake Aq Cxhance l'll hake s vhance lI'll hTake sA vChance Il'll Thake As Cvhance
o'll yake w dhance oI'll yTake wA dChance Io'll Tyake Aw Cdhance k'll 6ake x Chhance kI'll 6Take xA Cance Ik'll T6ake Ax Cahnce
8'll gake Cjance 8I'll gTake Cjhance I8'll Tgake Chjance u'll rake Cuance uI'll rTake Cuhance Iu'll Trake Chuance
I''ll Taake Cnance Ill Tke Cnhance Il'l Tkae Chnance I'lll Tzke Cbance I'l Tzake Cbhance I'll Tazke Chbance
I'kl Tqke Cgance I'kll Tqake Cghance I'lkl Taqke Chgance I'ol Tske Cyance I'oll Tsake Cyhance I'lol Taske Chyance
I'pl Twke Chaance I'pll Twake Chnce I'lpl Tawke Chnace Txke Chznce Txake Chzance Taxke Chaznce
I'lk Takke Chqnce Tae Chqance I'llk Taek Chaqnce I'lo Tale Chsnce Talke Chsance I'llo Takle Chasnce
I'lp Taoe Chwnce Taoke Chwance I'llp Takoe Chawnce Tame Chxnce Tamke Chxance

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