Element 101
Angel Blue Eyes

Angels pass me by
When I look into your blue eyes
Calling down the morning sunrise
The evening tide pulls to your blues

Sum it up all in one
I can't help but loving you

Yeah, it sent shivers up my spine
Barely breathing, can't imagine why
Forces of a greater kind than I
Ease into my midnight sky

Sum it up all in one
I can't help but loving you

Clearer than sapphires dare to ring
Is my sigh waiting there in your eye
It's so beautiful, so beautiful like a dream
Calling on midnight flying things
Drop your kisses all down with the slightest of sounds

Angel blue eyes
Baby's got those angel blue eyes
Calling down the morning sunrise
The evening tide pulls to your blues

Sum it up all in one
I can't help but loving you

And reminders of finer things
So pure, you were sure they would crumble and break
But so beautiful, so beautiful
You knew that they could not

Perfect down to the last eyelash
With wishes attached to heartstrings at last

Clearer than sapphires dare to ring
Is my sigh waiting there in your eye
It's so beautiful, so beautiful just like a dream
Calling on midnight flying things
Drop your kisses all down with the slightest of sounds

And I can't remember, yeah, I shiver
And I can't remember, yeah, I shiver

Mirror lyrics:

And I can't remember, yeah, I shiver
And I can't remember, yeah, I shiver

Drop your kisses all down with the slightest of sounds
Calling on midnight flying things
It's so beautiful, so beautiful just like a dream
Is my sigh waiting there in your eye
Clearer than sapphires dare to ring

With wishes attached to heartstrings at last
Perfect down to the last eyelash

You knew that they could not
But so beautiful, so beautiful
So pure, you were sure they would crumble and break
And reminders of finer things

I can't help but loving you
Sum it up all in one

The evening tide pulls to your blues
Calling down the morning sunrise
Baby's got those angel blue eyes
Angel blue eyes

Drop your kisses all down with the slightest of sounds
Calling on midnight flying things
It's so beautiful, so beautiful like a dream
Is my sigh waiting there in your eye
Clearer than sapphires dare to ring

I can't help but loving you
Sum it up all in one

Ease into my midnight sky
Forces of a greater kind than I
Barely breathing, can't imagine why
Yeah, it sent shivers up my spine

I can't help but loving you
Sum it up all in one

The evening tide pulls to your blues
Calling down the morning sunrise
When I look into your blue eyes
Angels pass me by

Relevant Tags:
AAngel BBlue EEyes ngel lue yes nAgel lBue yEes zngel vlue syes zAngel vBlue sEyes Azngel Bvlue Esyes qngel glue 3yes
qAngel gBlue 3Eyes Aqngel Bglue E3yes sngel nlue fyes sAngel nBlue fEyes Asngel Bnlue Efyes wngel hlue ryes wAngel hBlue rEyes
Awngel Bhlue Eryes xngel Bllue 4yes xAngel Bue 4Eyes Axngel Bule E4yes Anngel Bkue dyes Agel Bklue dEyes Agnel Blkue Edyes
Amgel Boue wyes Amngel Bolue wEyes Anmgel Bloue Ewyes Ahgel Bpue Eyyes Ahngel Bplue Ees Anhgel Blpue Eeys Ajgel Bluue Eges
Ajngel Ble Egyes Anjgel Bleu Eyges Abgel Blhe Ehes Abngel Blhue Ehyes Anbgel Bluhe Eyhes Anggel Bl7e E6es Anel Bl7ue E6yes
Anegl Blu7e Ey6es Anhel Blke Eues Euyes Anghel Bluke Eyues Anyel Blie E7es Anygel Bliue E7yes Angyel Bluie Ey7es
Anbel Bl8e Ejes Bl8ue Ejyes Angbel Blu8e Eyjes

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