Elektric Music
Kissing The Machine

you've come a long way from just TVfrom a distant voice
to ecstasynow you need to know what's on my mindcan
I break your heart with every timeshe gives no love
and won't let goand when she fails she tells you sothe
perfect touch is cold and cleanshe steals your soul
when kissing the machineher hand of love enshrouds
my faceshe moves and turns with rigid gracethe light
reflection on her skinthe words repeat and draw me
inand what I say is what she'll dorepeat the words
I told her tothe perfect touch is cold and cleanshe
steals your soul when kissing the machineI want you
to want meI need you to need meI know that you love
meI want you to need medestiny is sometimes cruelthen
once again I am its foolto give my heart to wires and
steelbut what you get is what you feelno flesh and
blood can give you morethe key to love is at this doorthe
perfect touch was cold and cleanshe steals your soul
when kissing the machinekissing the machinekissing
the machinekissing the machine

Mirror lyrics:

the machinekissing the machine
when kissing the machinekissing the machinekissing
perfect touch was cold and cleanshe steals your soul
blood can give you morethe key to love is at this doorthe
steelbut what you get is what you feelno flesh and
once again I am its foolto give my heart to wires and
meI want you to need medestiny is sometimes cruelthen
to want meI need you to need meI know that you love
steals your soul when kissing the machineI want you
I told her tothe perfect touch is cold and cleanshe
inand what I say is what she'll dorepeat the words
reflection on her skinthe words repeat and draw me
my faceshe moves and turns with rigid gracethe light
when kissing the machineher hand of love enshrouds
perfect touch is cold and cleanshe steals your soul
and won't let goand when she fails she tells you sothe
I break your heart with every timeshe gives no love
to ecstasynow you need to know what's on my mindcan
you've come a long way from just TVfrom a distant voice

Relevant Tags:
KKissing TThe MMachine issing he achine iKssing hTe aMchine lissing fhe jachine lKissing fThe jMachine Klissing Tfhe Mjachine
oissing 5he kachine oKissing 5The kMachine Koissing T5he Mkachine missing hhe nachine mKissing hThe nMachine Kmissing Thhe Mnachine
jissing yhe Maachine jKissing yThe Mchine Kjissing Tyhe Mcahine iissing 6he Mzchine iKissing 6The Mzachine Kiissing T6he Mazchine
ghe Mqchine Kssing gThe Mqachine Ksising Tghe Maqchine Kjssing rhe Mschine rThe Msachine Kijssing Trhe Maschine
K9ssing Mwchine K9issing Te Mwachine Ki9ssing Teh Mawchine Klssing Tje Mxchine Tjhe Mxachine Kilssing Thje Maxchine
Kossing Tue Macchine Tuhe Mahine Kiossing Thue Mahcine Kkssing Tne Mafhine Kkissing Tnhe Mafchine Kikssing Thne Macfhine
K8ssing Tbe Maxhine K8issing Tbhe Ki8ssing Thbe Macxhine Kussing Tge Mavhine Kuissing Mavchine Kiussing Thge Macvhine
Kisssing Tye Madhine Kising Madchine Kissing Thye Macdhine Kizsing Thee Machhine Kizssing Th Macine Kiszsing The Macihne
Kiwsing Ths Macjine Kiwssing Thse Macjhine Kiswsing Thes Machjine Kidsing Th3 Macuine Kidssing Th3e Macuhine Kisdsing The3 Machuine
Kiesing Thf Macnine Kiessing Thfe Macnhine Kisesing Thef Machnine Kixsing Thr Macbine Kixssing Thre Macbhine Kisxsing Ther Machbine
Kiasing Th4 Macgine Kiassing Th4e Macghine Kisasing The4 Machgine Thd Macyine

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