Angel Without Wings

Growing up in extreme poverty,
and living in a town filled with empty promises,
the young boy is filled with scepticism.
He battles between right and wrong.
Facing a horrifying decision, which no child should have to make,
his whole life could be turned upside down.
Does he listen to the wishes of his kind, but stressful mother,
to remain living in poverty, and be persecuted by many?
The alternative is to take a road into crime and deception,
with his so called friends.
Either way he'll suffer the consequences.

His mother sad, now she's left alone
No shoulder to cry on, no hand to hold
To stay alive, worked her fingers to the bone
Guilt nor shame, her child must have a home
She tried to teach him right from wrong
A town without vision, they don't belong
Eternal friends, persuasive lies
Tainted images, through sorry eyes

Don't be shy, pull up a stool, stick with us
You'll do okay
Money talks, that's their rule,
Once you join, you're here to stay
you can't walk away

Lord knows she tried hard to save him
The angel without wings

Stigmatised, the poor, the few
Opportunities given, but not to you
He searched along the corridors of power
A fruitless journey, his darkest hour

By any rule he doesn't play,
Now he's the keeper, no-one's fool
Who said crime doesn't pay
All his fears have disappeared

Lord knows she tried so hard, to save him
Lord knows she tried so hard, to save him

The angel without wings
Time, will it tell, a choice of heaven or hell

The years have passed by, the leaves have fallen
Learn to survive in time, you're on your own

Mirror lyrics:

Learn to survive in time, you're on your own
The years have passed by, the leaves have fallen

Time, will it tell, a choice of heaven or hell
The angel without wings

Lord knows she tried so hard, to save him
Lord knows she tried so hard, to save him

All his fears have disappeared
Who said crime doesn't pay
Now he's the keeper, no-one's fool
By any rule he doesn't play,

A fruitless journey, his darkest hour
He searched along the corridors of power
Opportunities given, but not to you
Stigmatised, the poor, the few

The angel without wings
Lord knows she tried hard to save him

you can't walk away
Once you join, you're here to stay
Money talks, that's their rule,
You'll do okay
Don't be shy, pull up a stool, stick with us

Tainted images, through sorry eyes
Eternal friends, persuasive lies
A town without vision, they don't belong
She tried to teach him right from wrong
Guilt nor shame, her child must have a home
To stay alive, worked her fingers to the bone
No shoulder to cry on, no hand to hold
His mother sad, now she's left alone

Either way he'll suffer the consequences.
with his so called friends.
The alternative is to take a road into crime and deception,
to remain living in poverty, and be persecuted by many?
Does he listen to the wishes of his kind, but stressful mother,
his whole life could be turned upside down.
Facing a horrifying decision, which no child should have to make,
He battles between right and wrong.
the young boy is filled with scepticism.
and living in a town filled with empty promises,
Growing up in extreme poverty,

Relevant Tags:
AAngel WWithout WWings ngel ithout ings nAgel iWthout iWngs zngel aithout aings zAngel aWithout aWings Azngel Waithout Waings
qngel 3ithout 3ings qAngel 3Without 3Wings Aqngel W3ithout W3ings sngel dithout dings sAngel dWithout dWings Asngel Wdithout Wdings
wngel eithout eings wAngel eWithout eWings Awngel Weithout Weings xngel sithout sings xAngel sWithout sWings Axngel Wsithout Wsings
Anngel 2ithout 2ings Agel 2Without 2Wings Agnel W2ithout W2ings Amgel qithout qings Amngel qWithout qWings Anmgel Wqithout Wqings
Ahgel Wiithout Wiings Ahngel Wthout Wngs Anhgel Wtihout Wnigs Ajgel Wjthout Wjngs Ajngel Wjithout Wjings Anjgel Wijthout Wijngs
Abgel W9thout W9ngs Abngel W9ithout W9ings Anbgel Wi9thout Wi9ngs Anggel Wlthout Wlngs Anel Wlithout Wlings Anegl Wilthout Wilngs
Anhel Wothout Wongs Woithout Woings Anghel Wiothout Wiongs Anyel Wkthout Wkngs Anygel Wkithout Wkings Angyel Wikthout Wikngs
Anbel W8thout W8ngs W8ithout W8ings Angbel Wi8thout Wi8ngs Anvel Wuthout Wungs Anvgel Wuithout Wuings Angvel Wiuthout Wiungs
Anfel Witthout Winngs Anfgel Wihout Wigs Angfel Wihtout Wigns Antel Wifhout Wimgs Antgel Wifthout Wimngs Angtel Witfhout Winmgs
Angeel Wi5hout Wihgs Angl Wi5thout Wihngs Angle Wit5hout Winhgs Angsl Wihhout Wijgs Angsel Wihthout Angesl Withhout Winjgs
Ang3l Wiyhout Wibgs Ang3el Wiythout Wibngs Ange3l Wityhout Winbgs Angfl Wi6hout Winggs Wi6thout Wins Angefl Wit6hout Winsg
Angrl Wighout Winhs Angrel Wigthout Angerl Witghout Winghs Ang4l Wirhout Winys Ang4el Wirthout Winygs Ange4l Witrhout Wingys
Angdl Winbs Angdel Witout Angedl Witohut Wingbs Angwl Witjout Winvs

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