
With this long ride home I search for the truth

Candid thoughts display my youth

Frustration Distraction so scared that I cant get out of this

I need to find my way home

What if I fell straight down

then broke out of this mess that I抳e been living in

Could I get back the things youth took from me

There抯 no ringing on the telephone

When the world expects you to be beautiful

And you can't stand the sight of your face in the mirror

We reach for things that turn to dust

I抳e been in the water to long I started to turn bad

What if I fell straight down

What if I fell straight down

There抯 ringing on the telephone

There is never anyone home

What if I fell what if I fell

Mirror lyrics:

What if I fell what if I fell

There is never anyone home

There抯 ringing on the telephone

What if I fell straight down

What if I fell straight down

I抳e been in the water to long I started to turn bad

We reach for things that turn to dust

And you can't stand the sight of your face in the mirror

When the world expects you to be beautiful

There抯 no ringing on the telephone

Could I get back the things youth took from me

then broke out of this mess that I抳e been living in

What if I fell straight down

I need to find my way home

Frustration Distraction so scared that I cant get out of this

Candid thoughts display my youth

With this long ride home I search for the truth

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