A Little Over Zero

What shall I do, just to feel
A little over zero, a little over
Now that I am sadness
Now that I am weakness
Gonna walk like it's forever
Gonna walk just because it will save me
And my fragility could kill me
Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can be?

Cause I wanna break out, and just live my life
Yeah, I wanna wake up, and find out I'm alive

A saint for each bone
Would be magical
It would feel so all consuming
That I'd burn up just like paper
And my serenity it will kill me so
Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can be?

Cause I wanna break out, and just live my life
Yeah, I wanna wake up, and find out I'm alive
I wanna break ou and just live my life
I wanna wake up and find out I'm alive, alive, alive

Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can give to you?
Is this the best I can give to you?

Mirror lyrics:

Is this the best I can give to you?
Is this the best I can give to you?
Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can be?

I wanna wake up and find out I'm alive, alive, alive
I wanna break ou and just live my life
Yeah, I wanna wake up, and find out I'm alive
Cause I wanna break out, and just live my life

Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can be?
And my serenity it will kill me so
That I'd burn up just like paper
It would feel so all consuming
Would be magical
A saint for each bone

Yeah, I wanna wake up, and find out I'm alive
Cause I wanna break out, and just live my life

Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can be?
And my fragility could kill me
Gonna walk just because it will save me
Gonna walk like it's forever
Now that I am weakness
Now that I am sadness
A little over zero, a little over
What shall I do, just to feel

Relevant Tags:
AA LLittle OOver ZZero ittle ver ero A iLttle vOer eZro z kittle kver aero zA kLittle kOver aZero Az Lkittle Okver Zaero
q oittle 9ver sero qA oLittle 9Over sZero Aq Loittle O9ver Zsero s pittle 0ver xero sA pLittle 0Over xZero As Lpittle O0ver Zxero
w Liittle lver Zeero wA Lttle lOver Zro Aw Ltitle Olver Zreo x Ljttle iver Zsro xA Ljittle iOver Ax Lijttle Oiver Zesro
L9ttle Ovver Z3ro L9ittle Oer Z3ero Li9ttle Oevr Ze3ro Llttle Ober Zfro Llittle Obver Zfero Lilttle Ovber Zefro
Lottle Ocer Zrro Ocver Zrero Liottle Ovcer Zerro Lkttle Oger Z4ro Ogver Z4ero Likttle Ovger Ze4ro
L8ttle Ofer Zdro L8ittle Ofver Zdero Li8ttle Ovfer Zedro Luttle Oveer Zwro Luittle Ovr Zwero Liuttle Ovre Zewro
Litttle Ovsr Litle Ovser Zeo Little Ovesr Zeor Liftle Ov3r Zedo Lifttle Ov3er Litftle Ove3r Zerdo
Li5tle Ovfr Ze4o Li5ttle Lit5tle Ovefr Zer4o Lihtle Ovrr Zego Lihttle Ovrer Zegro Lithtle Overr Zergo
Liytle Ov4r Zeto Liyttle Ov4er Zetro Litytle Ove4r Zerto Li6tle Ovdr Ze5o Li6ttle Ovder Ze5ro Lit6tle Ovedr Zer5o

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