Elin Sigvardsson
Paper Cup Words

I'll let it burn.
Words in a dirty paper cup.
And I'm gonna turn, cause I've had it with this place for now.
I'm gonna find shelter where you can't call me, where you can't grab me.

If I got to choose, had the opportunity to switch location or set my mind on whatever I wanted to,
I would take it right away from you.

You brought me in and you spoke in tongues about what lies within.
About your little fire.
You brought me in and you didn't even see how my tears ran.
I was too tired to listen to you then

Saturday night.
You've got taste for fireside.
It's open mike at kings head downtown, but I can't manage to get myself there somehow.
A million reasons just to sit along here and speak to the telly and listen to your conversations

You brought me in and you spoke tongues about what lies within.
About your little fire.
You brought me in and you didn't even see how my tears ran.
I was too tired to listen to you then.

I'll let it burn, words in a broken paper cup.

Mirror lyrics:

I'll let it burn, words in a broken paper cup.

I was too tired to listen to you then.
You brought me in and you didn't even see how my tears ran.
About your little fire.
You brought me in and you spoke tongues about what lies within.

A million reasons just to sit along here and speak to the telly and listen to your conversations
It's open mike at kings head downtown, but I can't manage to get myself there somehow.
You've got taste for fireside.
Saturday night.

I was too tired to listen to you then
You brought me in and you didn't even see how my tears ran.
About your little fire.
You brought me in and you spoke in tongues about what lies within.

I would take it right away from you.
If I got to choose, had the opportunity to switch location or set my mind on whatever I wanted to,

I'm gonna find shelter where you can't call me, where you can't grab me.
And I'm gonna turn, cause I've had it with this place for now.
Words in a dirty paper cup.
I'll let it burn.

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PPaper CCup WWords aper up ords aPper uCp oWrds 0aper fup aords 0Paper fCup aWords P0aper Cfup Waords laper xup 3ords
lPaper xCup 3Words Plaper Cxup W3ords oaper vup dords oPaper vCup dWords Poaper Cvup Wdords Paaper dup eords Pper dCup eWords
Ppaer Cdup Weords Pzper Cuup sords Pzaper Cp sWords Pazper Cpu Wsords Pqper Chp 2ords Pqaper Chup 2Words Paqper Cuhp W2ords
Psper C7p qords Psaper C7up qWords Pasper Cu7p Wqords Pwper Ckp Woords Pwaper Ckup Wrds Pawper Cukp Wrods Pxper Cip Wkrds
Pxaper Ciup Wkords Paxper Cuip Wokrds Papper C8p W9rds Paer C8up W9ords Paepr Cu8p Wo9rds Pa0er Cjp W0rds Pa0per Cjup W0ords
Pap0er Cujp Wo0rds Paler Cyp Wlrds Palper Cyup Wlords Papler Cuyp Wolrds Paoer Cupp Wirds Paoper Cu Wiords Papoer Cup Woirds
Papeer Cu0 Worrds Papr Cu0p Wods Papre Cup0 Wodrs Papsr Cul Wodds Papser Culp Wodrds Papesr Cupl Wordds Pap3r Cuo Wo4ds
Pap3er Cuop Wo4rds

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