Elias The Band
June 22nd Is National Fink Day

My eyes fall on you every time you slowly fall.

I hope we will hurt again,
Face down and out of luck.
On the bathroom tile
I'm sorry babe this might take a while

It's not too late,
And I always procrastinate.
Sometimes the last minute can be the best.

I can hardly say that my words were based on you,
But I showed up at your door.

My mind draws blank, mouth gets dry,
I try to think but I'm consumed by all these thoughts of you.
The situation ends now.

I know we will come out of things this time around.

Sorry for the pain, even though I can't explain.

Mirror lyrics:

Sorry for the pain, even though I can't explain.

I know we will come out of things this time around.

The situation ends now.
I try to think but I'm consumed by all these thoughts of you.
My mind draws blank, mouth gets dry,

But I showed up at your door.
I can hardly say that my words were based on you,

Sometimes the last minute can be the best.
And I always procrastinate.
It's not too late,

I'm sorry babe this might take a while
On the bathroom tile
Face down and out of luck.
I hope we will hurt again,

My eyes fall on you every time you slowly fall.

Relevant Tags:
JJune 222nd IIs NNational FFink DDay une 2nd s ational ink ay uJne 22nd sI aNtional iFnk aDy kune 32nd js mational cink xay kJune 322nd jIs mNational cFink xDay
Jkune 232nd Ijs Nmational Fcink Dxay iune q2nd 9s hational rink eay iJune q22nd 9Is hNational rFink eDay Jiune 2q2nd I9s Nhational Frink Deay mune w2nd ls jational gink fay
mJune w22nd lIs jNational gFink fDay Jmune 2w2nd Ils Njational Fgink Dfay nune 12nd os bational tink ray nJune 122nd oIs bNational tFink rDay Jnune 212nd Ios Nbational Ftink Dray
hune ks Naational vink cay hJune kIs Ntional vFink cDay Jhune 2n2d Iks Ntaional Fvink Dcay uune 23nd 8s Nztional dink say uJune 8Is Nzational dFink sDay
Juune 223nd I8s Naztional Fdink Dsay 2qnd us Nqtional Fiink Daay Jne uIs Nqational Fnk Dy Jnue 22qnd Ius Naqtional Fnik Dya Jhne 2wnd Iss Nstional Fjnk Dzy
I Nsational Fjink Dzay Juhne 22wnd Is Nastional Fijnk Dazy J7ne 21nd Iz Nwtional F9nk Dqy J7une Izs Nwational F9ink Dqay Ju7ne 221nd Isz Nawtional Fi9nk Daqy
Jkne 22nnd Iw Nxtional Flnk Dsy 22d Iws Nxational Flink Jukne 22dn Isw Naxtional Filnk Dasy Jine 22md Id Nattional Fonk Dwy 22mnd Ids Naional Foink Dway
Juine 22nmd Isd Naitonal Fionk Dawy J8ne 22hd Ie Nafional Fknk Dxy J8une 22hnd Ies Naftional Fkink Ju8ne 22nhd Ise Natfional Fiknk Daxy Jjne 22jd Ix Na5ional F8nk Dayy
Jjune 22jnd Ixs Na5tional F8ink Da Jujne 22njd Isx Nat5ional Fi8nk Day Jyne 22bd Ia Nahional Funk Dag Jyune 22bnd Ias Nahtional Fuink Dagy Juyne 22nbd Isa Nathional Fiunk Dayg
Junne 22ndd Nayional Finnk Dah Jue 22n Naytional Fik Dahy Juen Natyional Fikn Dayh Jume 22nx Na6ional Fimk Da6 Jumne 22nxd Na6tional Fimnk Da6y
Junme 22ndx Nat6ional Finmk Day6 Juhe 22ne Nagional Fihk Dau 22ned Nagtional Fihnk Dauy Junhe 22nde Natgional Finhk Dayu Juje 22nf Narional Fijk Da7
22nfd Nartional Da7y Junje 22ndf Natrional Finjk Day7 Jube 22nr Natiional Fibk Daj Jubne 22nrd Natonal Fibnk Dajy Junbe 22ndr Natoinal Finbk Dayj
Junee 22nc Natjonal Finkk Dat Jun 22ncd Natjional Fin Daty June 22ndc Natijonal Fink Dayt Juns 22ns Nat9onal Finl Junse 22nsd Nat9ional Finlk
Junes 22nds Nati9onal Finkl Jun3 Natlonal Fino Jun3e Natlional Finok June3 Natilonal Finko Junf Natoonal Finm

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