Elf Power
Oh What A Beautiful Dream

Lift me up through the tops of the trees,
and I'll sleep till the morning,
come to live in the glorious dream,
let me sleep till the morning

I'm thinking of drinking the entire sea
Where fishes make wishes and swim into me,
There is no place other that I'd rather be,
Oh what a beautiful dream

Just remember invisible eyes,
They will see you clearly,
So surrender now into the night,
and you'll sleep so deeply

I'm thinking of drinking the entire sea
Where fishes make wishes and swim into me,
There is no place other that I'd rather be,
Oh what a beautiful dream

And I've lost my head inside the dream,
And I'll pain the scene for you

But not before I wake from sleep
No, not before I wake from sleep

Mirror lyrics:

No, not before I wake from sleep
But not before I wake from sleep

And I'll pain the scene for you
And I've lost my head inside the dream,

Oh what a beautiful dream
There is no place other that I'd rather be,
Where fishes make wishes and swim into me,
I'm thinking of drinking the entire sea

and you'll sleep so deeply
So surrender now into the night,
They will see you clearly,
Just remember invisible eyes,

Oh what a beautiful dream
There is no place other that I'd rather be,
Where fishes make wishes and swim into me,
I'm thinking of drinking the entire sea

let me sleep till the morning
come to live in the glorious dream,
and I'll sleep till the morning,
Lift me up through the tops of the trees,

Relevant Tags:
OOh WWhat AA BBeautiful DDream h hat eautiful ream hO hWat A eBautiful rDeam kh ahat z veautiful xream kOh aWhat zA vBeautiful xDream
Okh Wahat Az Bveautiful Dxream 9h 3hat q geautiful eream 9Oh 3What qA gBeautiful eDream O9h W3hat Aq Bgeautiful Deream 0h dhat s neautiful fream
0Oh dWhat sA nBeautiful fDream O0h Wdhat As Bneautiful Dfream lh ehat w heautiful rream lOh eWhat wA hBeautiful rDream Olh Wehat Aw Bheautiful Drream
ih shat x Beeautiful cream iOh sWhat xA Bautiful cDream Oih Wshat Ax Baeutiful Dcream Ohh 2hat Bsautiful sream O 2What Bseautiful sDream
Oh W2hat Besautiful Dsream Oj qhat B3autiful Ojh qWhat B3eautiful Deam Ohj Wqhat Be3autiful Deram Ou Whhat Bfautiful Ddeam
Ouh Wat Bfeautiful Ddream Ohu Waht Befautiful Drdeam On Wjat Brautiful D4eam Onh Wjhat Breautiful D4ream Ohn Whjat Berautiful Dr4eam
Ob Wuat B4autiful Dgeam Obh Wuhat B4eautiful Dgream Ohb Whuat Be4autiful Drgeam Og Wnat Bdautiful Dteam Ogh Wnhat Bdeautiful Dtream
Ohg Whnat Bedautiful Drteam Oy Wbat Bwautiful D5eam Oyh Wbhat Bweautiful D5ream Ohy Whbat Bewautiful Dr5eam Wgat Beaautiful Dfeam
Wghat Beutiful Whgat Beuatiful Drfeam Wyat Bezutiful Deeam Wyhat Bezautiful Whyat Beazutiful Dreeam
Whaat Bequtiful Wht Beqautiful Dram Whta Beaqutiful Draem Whzt Besutiful Drsam Whzat Drseam
Whazt Beasutiful Dresam Whqt Bewutiful Dr3am Whqat Dr3eam Whaqt Beawutiful Dre3am Whst Bexutiful Drfam
Whsat Bexautiful Whast Beaxutiful Drefam Whwt Beauutiful Drram Whwat Beatiful Whawt Beatuiful Dreram
Whxt Beahtiful Dr4am Whxat Beahutiful Whaxt Beauhtiful Dre4am Whatt Bea7tiful Drdam Wha Bea7utiful
What Beau7tiful Dredam Whaf Beaktiful Drwam Whaft Beakutiful Drweam Whatf Beauktiful Drewam Wha5 Beaitiful Dreaam
Wha5t Beaiutiful Drem What5 Beauitiful Drema Whah Bea8tiful Drezm Whaht Bea8utiful Drezam Whath Beau8tiful Dreazm
Whay Beajtiful Dreqm Whayt Beajutiful Dreqam Whaty Beaujtiful Dreaqm Wha6 Beaytiful Dresm Wha6t Beayutiful
What6 Beauytiful Dreasm Whag Beauttiful Drewm Whagt Beauiful Whatg Beauitful Dreawm Whar Beaufiful Drexm
Whart Beauftiful Drexam Whatr Beautfiful Dreaxm Beau5iful Dreamm Beau5tiful Drea Beaut5iful Dream
Beauhiful Dreaj

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