Fight To Save Your Life

[Trumpet] Charge.

Don't believe in everything that people try to tell you
And don't buy into everything the market tries to sell you
They have no clue what's good for you
When time is done and hope is gone
We'll still hold on to the truth

Join the fight to save your life
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight this is your time
You've got to use your mind to save your soul

Don't give into ads that try to tell you who to be
When what you are is obvious for everyone to see
Just take this step to be your self
When time is done and hope is gone
We'll still hold on to the truth

Join the fight to save your life
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight this is your time
You've got to use your mind to save your soul


Join the fight to save your life
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight this is your time
You've got to use your mind to save your soul

Join the fight to save your life
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight this is your time
You've got to use your mind to save your soul

Save your soul

Mirror lyrics:

Save your soul

You've got to use your mind to save your soul
Join the fight this is your time
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight to save your life

You've got to use your mind to save your soul
Join the fight this is your time
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight to save your life


You've got to use your mind to save your soul
Join the fight this is your time
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight to save your life

We'll still hold on to the truth
When time is done and hope is gone
Just take this step to be your self
When what you are is obvious for everyone to see
Don't give into ads that try to tell you who to be

You've got to use your mind to save your soul
Join the fight this is your time
Don't leave it up to everybody else
Join the fight to save your life

We'll still hold on to the truth
When time is done and hope is gone
They have no clue what's good for you
And don't buy into everything the market tries to sell you
Don't believe in everything that people try to tell you

[Trumpet] Charge.

Relevant Tags:
FFight TTo SSave YYour LLife ight o ave our ife iFght oT aSve oYur iLfe cight fo zave gour kife cFight fTo zSave gYour kLife Fcight Tfo Szave Ygour Lkife
right 5o wave hour oife rFight 5To wSave hYour oLife Fright T5o Swave Yhour Loife gight ho dave 6our pife gFight hTo dSave 6Your pLife Fgight Tho Sdave Y6our Lpife
tight yo eave uour Liife tFight yTo eSave uYour Lfe Ftight Tyo Seave Yuour Lfie vight 6o xave 7our Ljfe vFight 6To xSave 7Your Ljife Fvight T6o Sxave Y7our Lijfe
dight go aave jour L9fe dFight gTo aSave jYour L9ife Fdight Tgo Saave Yjour Li9fe Fiight ro tour Llfe Fght rTo Sve tYour Llife Fgiht Tro Svae Ytour Lilfe
Fjght Too Szve Yoour Lofe Fjight T Yur Fijght To Sazve Yuor Liofe F9ght Tk Sqve Ykur Lkfe F9ight Tko Sqave Ykour Fi9ght Tok Saqve Yokur Likfe
Flght T9 Ssve Y9ur L8fe Flight T9o Ssave Y9our L8ife Filght To9 Sasve Yo9ur Li8fe Foght T0 Swve Y0ur Lufe Foight T0o Y0our Luife Fioght To0 Sawve Yo0ur Liufe
Fkght Tl Sxve Ylur Liffe Fkight Tlo Ylour Lie Fikght Tol Saxve Yolur Lief F8ght Ti Savve Yiur Lice F8ight Tio Sae Yiour Licfe Fi8ght Toi Saev Yoiur Lifce
Fught Sabe Youur Lire Fuight Sabve Yor Lirfe Fiught Savbe Yoru Lifre Figght Sace Yohr Lige Fiht Sacve Yohur Ligfe Fihgt Savce Youhr Lifge
Fihht Sage Yo7r Lite Fihght Sagve Yo7ur Litfe Fighht Savge You7r Lifte Fiyht Safe Yokr Live

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