End Of Time

Lost inside all the pain
your tears fall like the rain
but you're not alone
Hearts all broken apart
make us who we are
as they guide us home
And I'll stay with you through it all

I will never let this harm you
I can be what you hold to
Let me be the one to love you
till the end of time
Know that when the darkness shakes you
I will never this this break you
let me be the wings that take you to the end of time

Pain, too deep to forget,
uncovered again leaves you exposed
Hopes, all lost to the wind,
come back in the end from where they go
And I'll stay with you through it all

Mirror lyrics:

And I'll stay with you through it all
come back in the end from where they go
Hopes, all lost to the wind,
uncovered again leaves you exposed
Pain, too deep to forget,

let me be the wings that take you to the end of time
I will never this this break you
Know that when the darkness shakes you
till the end of time
Let me be the one to love you
I can be what you hold to
I will never let this harm you

And I'll stay with you through it all
as they guide us home
make us who we are
Hearts all broken apart
but you're not alone
your tears fall like the rain
Lost inside all the pain

Relevant Tags:
EEnd OOf TTime nd f ime nEd fO iTme snd kf fime sEnd kOf fTime Esnd Okf Tfime 3nd 9f 5ime 3End 9Of 5Time E3nd O9f T5ime fnd 0f hime
fEnd 0Of hTime Efnd O0f Thime rnd lf yime rEnd lOf yTime Ernd Olf Tyime 4nd if 6ime 4End iOf 6Time E4nd Oif T6ime dnd Off gime dEnd O gTime
Ednd Of Tgime wnd Oc rime wEnd Ocf rTime Ewnd Ofc Trime Ennd Or Tiime Ed Orf Tme Edn Ofr Tmie Emd Og Tjme Emnd Ogf Tjime Enmd Ofg Tijme
Ehd Ot T9me Ehnd Otf T9ime Enhd Oft Ti9me Ejd Ov Tlme Ejnd Ovf Tlime Enjd Ofv Tilme Ebd Od Tome Ebnd Odf Toime Enbd Ofd Tiome Endd Tkme
En Tkime

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