
I know that I hung
In the windcold tree
Nine whole nights
With hurt point
To Oden given
Self given to myself
In that tree
Which nobody knows
From which roots it ran

not given bread
They brought no horns
Saw down from the tree
Took up runes
Took them with screams
And down from the tree I fell

Nine magic songs I got
From the famous son of
Boltorn, Bestlas father
And a drink I got
Of precious mead
Poured by Odrere

Then I became vigorous
And got wise
Grew and felt well
Of word sought word
Me word again
Of work sought work
Me work again

Mirror lyrics:

Me work again
Of work sought work
Me word again
Of word sought word
Grew and felt well
And got wise
Then I became vigorous

Poured by Odrere
Of precious mead
And a drink I got
Boltorn, Bestlas father
From the famous son of
Nine magic songs I got

And down from the tree I fell
Took them with screams
Took up runes
Saw down from the tree
They brought no horns
not given bread

From which roots it ran
Which nobody knows
In that tree
Self given to myself
To Oden given
With hurt point
Nine whole nights
In the windcold tree
I know that I hung

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YYggdrasil ggdrasil gYgdrasil gggdrasil gYggdrasil Ygggdrasil hggdrasil hYggdrasil Yhggdrasil 6ggdrasil 6Yggdrasil
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tYggdrasil Ytggdrasil Ygdrasil Yggdrasil Yhgdrasil Yghgdrasil Yygdrasil Yyggdrasil Ygygdrasil Ybgdrasil Ybggdrasil
Ygbgdrasil Yvgdrasil Yvggdrasil Ygvgdrasil Yfgdrasil Yfggdrasil Ygfgdrasil Ytgdrasil Ygtgdrasil Ygdgrasil Yghdrasil
Ygghdrasil Ygydrasil Yggydrasil Ygbdrasil Yggbdrasil Ygvdrasil Yggvdrasil Ygfdrasil Yggfdrasil Ygtdrasil Yggtdrasil
Yggddrasil Yggrasil Yggrdasil Yggxrasil Yggxdrasil Yggdxrasil Yggerasil Yggedrasil Yggderasil Yggfrasil Yggdfrasil
Yggrrasil Yggrdrasil Yggdrrasil

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