Enrique Iglesias
It's Five O' Clock Somewhere

It's five o clock somewhere, somewhere
There's dancing in the streets because
somewhere, someone is having a dance-off
somewhere, someone is celebrating
and it's five o clock,
five o

five o clock
somewhere somewhere

Mirror lyrics:

somewhere somewhere
five o clock

five o
and it's five o clock,
somewhere, someone is celebrating
somewhere, someone is having a dance-off
There's dancing in the streets because
It's five o clock somewhere, somewhere

Relevant Tags:
IIt's FFive OO' CClock SSomewhere t's ive ' lock omewhere tI's iFve 'O lCock oSmewhere jt's cive k' flock zomewhere jIt's cFive kO' fClock zSomewhere
Ijt's Fcive Ok' Cflock Szomewhere 9t's rive 9' xlock womewhere 9It's rFive 9O' xClock wSomewhere I9t's Frive O9' Cxlock Swomewhere lt's give 0' vlock domewhere
lIt's gFive 0O' vClock dSomewhere Ilt's Fgive O0' Cvlock Sdomewhere ot's tive l' dlock eomewhere oIt's tFive lO' dClock eSomewhere Iot's Ftive Ol' Cdlock Seomewhere
kt's vive i' Cllock xomewhere kIt's vFive iO' Cock xSomewhere Ikt's Fvive Oi' Colck Sxomewhere 8t's dive O'' Ckock aomewhere 8It's dFive O Cklock aSomewhere
I8t's Fdive O' Clkock Saomewhere ut's Fiive Coock Soomewhere uIt's Fve Colock Smewhere Iut's Fvie Cloock Smoewhere Itt's Fjve Cpock Skmewhere
I's Fjive Cplock Skomewhere I'ts Fijve Clpock Sokmewhere If's F9ve S9mewhere Ift's F9ive Clck S9omewhere Itf's Fi9ve Clcok So9mewhere
I5's Flve Clkck S0mewhere I5t's Flive S0omewhere It5's Filve Clokck So0mewhere Ih's Fove Cl9ck Slmewhere Iht's Foive Cl9ock Slomewhere
Ith's Fiove Clo9ck Solmewhere Iy's Fkve Cl0ck Simewhere Iyt's Fkive Cl0ock Siomewhere Ity's Fikve Clo0ck Soimewhere I6's F8ve Cllck Sommewhere
I6t's F8ive Soewhere It6's Fi8ve Clolck Soemwhere Ig's Fuve Click Sojewhere Igt's Fuive Cliock Sojmewhere Itg's Fiuve Cloick Somjewhere
Ir's Fivve Clocck Sokewhere Irt's Fie Clok Itr's Fiev Clokc Somkewhere It''s Fibe Clofk Sonewhere Its Fibve Clofck Sonmewhere
Its' Fivbe Clocfk Somnewhere It'ss Fice Cloxk Someewhere It' Ficve Cloxck Somwhere It's Fivce Clocxk Somwehere It'z Fige Clovk Somswhere
It'zs Figve Clovck Somsewhere It'sz Fivge Clocvk Someswhere It'w Fife Clodk Som3where It'ws Fifve Clodck Som3ewhere It'sw Fivfe Clocdk Some3where
It'd Fivee Clockk Somfwhere It'ds Fiv Cloc Somfewhere It'sd Five Clock Somefwhere It'e Fivs Clocl Somrwhere It'es Fivse Cloclk Somrewhere
It'se Fives Clockl Somerwhere It'x Fiv3 Cloco Som4where It'xs Fiv3e Clocok Som4ewhere It'sx Five3 Clocko Some4where It'a Fivf Clocm Somdwhere
It'as Clocmk Somdewhere It'sa Fivef Clockm Somedwhere Fivr Clocj Somwwhere Fivre Clocjk Somwewhere Fiver Clockj Somewwhere
Fiv4 Cloci Fiv4e Clocik Somehere Five4 Clocki Somehwere Fivd Someahere Fivde Someawhere
Fived Somewahere Fivw Some3here Fivwe Fivew Somew3here Somedhere
Somewdhere Someehere

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