Enrique Bunbury
Watchinâ´ The Weels (directo)

People say i´m crazy, doing what i´m doing
Well they give me all kinds of warnings, to save me from ruin
When they say that i´m o.k. Well they look at me kind of strange
Surely you´re not happy now, you no longer play the game.

People say i´m lazy, dreaming my live away
Well they give me all kinds of advice, designed to enlighten me
When i tell them that i´m doing fine watching shadows on the wall
Don´t you miss the big time boy, you´re no longer on the ball?

I´m just seating here watching the weels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry go round
I just have to let it go.

People asking questions, lost in confusion
Well i tell them there´s no problem, only solutions
Well thy shake their heads and look at me as if i lost my mind
I tell them there´s no hurry, i´m just sitting here doing time.

I´m just sitting here watching the weels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry go round
I just have to let it go
I just have to let it go
I just have to let it go

Mirror lyrics:

I just have to let it go
I just have to let it go
I just have to let it go
No longer riding on the merry go round
I really love to watch them roll
I´m just sitting here watching the weels go round and round

I tell them there´s no hurry, i´m just sitting here doing time.
Well thy shake their heads and look at me as if i lost my mind
Well i tell them there´s no problem, only solutions
People asking questions, lost in confusion

I just have to let it go.
No longer riding on the merry go round
I really love to watch them roll
I´m just seating here watching the weels go round and round

Don´t you miss the big time boy, you´re no longer on the ball?
When i tell them that i´m doing fine watching shadows on the wall
Well they give me all kinds of advice, designed to enlighten me
People say i´m lazy, dreaming my live away

Surely you´re not happy now, you no longer play the game.
When they say that i´m o.k. Well they look at me kind of strange
Well they give me all kinds of warnings, to save me from ruin
People say i´m crazy, doing what i´m doing

Relevant Tags:
WWatchinâ´ TThe WWeels ((directo) atchinâ´ he eels directo) aWtchinâ´ hTe eWels d(irecto) aatchinâ´ fhe aeels (ddirecto) aWatchinâ´ fThe aWeels (irecto)
Waatchinâ´ Tfhe Waeels (idrecto) 3atchinâ´ 5he 3eels (xirecto) 3Watchinâ´ 5The 3Weels (xdirecto) W3atchinâ´ T5he W3eels (dxirecto) datchinâ´ hhe deels (eirecto)
dWatchinâ´ hThe dWeels (edirecto) Wdatchinâ´ Thhe Wdeels (deirecto) eatchinâ´ yhe eeels (firecto) eWatchinâ´ yThe eWeels (fdirecto) Weatchinâ´ Tyhe Weeels (dfirecto)
satchinâ´ 6he seels (rirecto) sWatchinâ´ 6The sWeels (rdirecto) Wsatchinâ´ T6he Wseels (drirecto) 2atchinâ´ ghe 2eels (cirecto) 2Watchinâ´ gThe 2Weels (cdirecto)
W2atchinâ´ Tghe W2eels (dcirecto) qatchinâ´ rhe qeels (sirecto) qWatchinâ´ rThe qWeels (sdirecto) Wqatchinâ´ Trhe Wqeels (dsirecto) (diirecto)
Wtchinâ´ Te Wels (drecto) Wtachinâ´ Teh Weels (driecto) Wztchinâ´ Tje Wsels (djrecto) Wzatchinâ´ Tjhe (djirecto) Waztchinâ´ Thje Wesels (dijrecto)
Wqtchinâ´ Tue W3els (d9recto) Tuhe (d9irecto) Waqtchinâ´ Thue We3els (di9recto) Wstchinâ´ Tne Wfels (dlrecto) Tnhe Wfeels (dlirecto)
Wastchinâ´ Thne Wefels (dilrecto) Wwtchinâ´ Tbe Wrels (dorecto) Wwatchinâ´ Tbhe Wreels (doirecto) Wawtchinâ´ Thbe Werels (diorecto) Wxtchinâ´ Tge W4els (dkrecto)
Wxatchinâ´ W4eels (dkirecto) Waxtchinâ´ Thge We4els (dikrecto) Wattchinâ´ Tye Wdels (d8recto) Wachinâ´ (d8irecto) Wacthinâ´ Thye Wedels (di8recto)
Wafchinâ´ Thee Wwels (durecto) Waftchinâ´ Th Wweels (duirecto) Watfchinâ´ The Wewels (diurecto) Wa5chinâ´ Ths (dirrecto) Wa5tchinâ´ Thse (diecto)
Wat5chinâ´ Thes Weles (diercto) Wahchinâ´ Th3 Wesls (didecto) Wahtchinâ´ Th3e (didrecto) Wathchinâ´ The3 Weesls (dirdecto) Waychinâ´ Thf We3ls (di4ecto)
Waytchinâ´ Thfe (di4recto) Watychinâ´ Thef Wee3ls (dir4ecto) Wa6chinâ´ Thr Wefls (digecto) Wa6tchinâ´ Thre (digrecto) Wat6chinâ´ Ther Weefls (dirgecto)
Wagchinâ´ Th4 Werls (ditecto) Wagtchinâ´ Th4e (ditrecto) Watgchinâ´ The4 Weerls (dirtecto) Warchinâ´ Thd We4ls (di5ecto) Wartchinâ´ Thde (di5recto)
Watrchinâ´ Thed Wee4ls (dir5ecto) Watcchinâ´ Thw Wedls (difecto) Wathinâ´ Thwe (difrecto) Wathcinâ´ Thew Weedls (dirfecto) Watfhinâ´ Wewls (dieecto)
(dierecto) Watcfhinâ´ Weewls (direecto) Watxhinâ´ Weells Watxchinâ´ Wees (dircto)

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