Enter Shikari

A blank sheet of paper
Just begging to be filled
But tonight I cannot
Pour my heart out

Because you escaped with it
In your back pocket
Because you escaped with it
In your back pocket

Television remote controls
Cannot save me
From destroying myself
Under these scented quilts

The absence of your
Lower case screams
Punching out your fragile pleas

And tonight I feel helpless
Tonight I feel scared
Tonight I feel helpless
Tonight I feel scared

Tonight, yes my ears are impared

Come now and leave with me
This place is almost empty

Mirror lyrics:

This place is almost empty
Come now and leave with me

Tonight, yes my ears are impared

Tonight I feel scared
Tonight I feel helpless
Tonight I feel scared
And tonight I feel helpless

Punching out your fragile pleas
Lower case screams
The absence of your

Under these scented quilts
From destroying myself
Cannot save me
Television remote controls

In your back pocket
Because you escaped with it
In your back pocket
Because you escaped with it

Pour my heart out
But tonight I cannot
Just begging to be filled
A blank sheet of paper

Relevant Tags:
EEmpty mpty mEpty smpty sEmpty Esmpty 3mpty 3Empty E3mpty fmpty fEmpty
Efmpty rmpty rEmpty Ermpty 4mpty 4Empty E4mpty dmpty dEmpty Edmpty wmpty
wEmpty Ewmpty Emmpty Epty Epmty Ejpty Ejmpty Emjpty Ekpty Ekmpty Emkpty
Enpty Enmpty Emnpty Emppty Emty Emtpy Em0ty Em0pty Emp0ty Emlty Emlpty
Emplty Emoty

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