The Frog Prince

Deep in my dreams,
I saw you close by my side.
And the words you said to me,
made me reel down deep inside.

My hand in your hand,
so warm and so lovingly.
Leaving all my dreams behind,
wonder who my prince will be?

What is this wonder,
that love can make you feel?
Am I deep now in slumber,
or is my prince real?

Now, now my dream,
is standing close by my side.
Saying words I wish to hear,
and I'm reeling deep inside.


Morning has come,
my dreams are left far behind.
As I walk through Paris streets,
I know now what I shall find.

This smile on my face,
will carry a love I have known.
Like a fairytale come true,
oh, what joy this love has shown

Mirror lyrics:

oh, what joy this love has shown
Like a fairytale come true,
will carry a love I have known.
This smile on my face,

I know now what I shall find.
As I walk through Paris streets,
my dreams are left far behind.
Morning has come,


and I'm reeling deep inside.
Saying words I wish to hear,
is standing close by my side.
Now, now my dream,

or is my prince real?
Am I deep now in slumber,
that love can make you feel?
What is this wonder,

wonder who my prince will be?
Leaving all my dreams behind,
so warm and so lovingly.
My hand in your hand,

made me reel down deep inside.
And the words you said to me,
I saw you close by my side.
Deep in my dreams,

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFrog PPrince he rog rince hTe rFog rPince fhe crog 0rince fThe cFrog 0Prince Tfhe Fcrog P0rince 5he rrog lrince
5The rFrog lPrince T5he Frrog Plrince hhe grog orince hThe gFrog oPrince Thhe Fgrog Porince yhe trog Prrince yThe tFrog Pince
Tyhe Ftrog Pirnce 6he vrog Pdince 6The vFrog Pdrince T6he Fvrog Prdince ghe drog P4ince gThe dFrog P4rince Tghe Fdrog Pr4ince
rhe Pgince rThe Fog Pgrince Trhe Forg Prgince Fdog Ptince Te Ptrince Teh Frdog Prtince Tje F4og P5ince
Tjhe F4rog P5rince Thje Fr4og Pr5ince Tue Fgog Pfince Tuhe Pfrince Thue Frgog Prfince Tne Ftog Peince Tnhe Perince
Thne Frtog Preince Tbe F5og Priince Tbhe F5rog Prnce Thbe Fr5og Prnice Tge Ffog Prjnce Ffrog Prjince Thge Frfog Prijnce
Tye Feog Pr9nce Ferog Pr9ince Thye Freog Pri9nce Thee Froog Prlnce Th Frg Prlince The Frgo Prilnce Ths Frkg Pronce
Thse Frkog Proince Thes Frokg Prionce Th3 Fr9g Prknce Th3e Fr9og Prkince The3 Fro9g Priknce Thf Fr0g Pr8nce Thfe Fr0og Pr8ince

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