Envy On The Coast
Just South Of Heaven

She better watch those hands...
They're awfully close.
Can't use my eyes
It's not working on you.
You dance and you sting
just like the jellyfish do.. yeah..
down by the water where i'm from
is Just south of Heaven. ohh

I've met your friends
they're not like you.
And I know the feeling too well
'cause being alone is hard to do..
So you dance while I sing
just like we do.
down by the water where I'm from
is just south of Heaven.

Let me see your words
Let them skin up from your core
Don't you know I was born in the dirt
I've got what I need don't want anymore, yeah.
So you dig and you dig
Cause you've been lookin' for the shore.
But still the water where I'm from is just
South of Heaven, ohhhhh....

Mirror lyrics:

South of Heaven, ohhhhh....
But still the water where I'm from is just
Cause you've been lookin' for the shore.
So you dig and you dig
I've got what I need don't want anymore, yeah.
Don't you know I was born in the dirt
Let them skin up from your core
Let me see your words

is just south of Heaven.
down by the water where I'm from
just like we do.
So you dance while I sing
'cause being alone is hard to do..
And I know the feeling too well
they're not like you.
I've met your friends

is Just south of Heaven. ohh
down by the water where i'm from
just like the jellyfish do.. yeah..
You dance and you sting
It's not working on you.
Can't use my eyes
They're awfully close.
She better watch those hands...

Relevant Tags:
JJust SSouth OOf HHeaven ust outh f eaven uJst oSuth fO eHaven kust zouth kf jeaven kJust zSouth kOf jHeaven Jkust Szouth Okf Hjeaven
iust wouth 9f ueaven iJust wSouth 9Of uHeaven Jiust Swouth O9f Hueaven must douth 0f neaven mJust dSouth 0Of nHeaven Jmust Sdouth O0f Hneaven
nust eouth lf beaven nJust eSouth lOf bHeaven Jnust Seouth Olf Hbeaven hust xouth if geaven hJust xSouth iOf gHeaven Jhust Sxouth Oif Hgeaven
uust aouth Off yeaven uJust aSouth O yHeaven Juust Saouth Of Hyeaven Soouth Oc Heeaven Jst Suth Ocf Haven Jsut Suoth Ofc Haeven
Jhst Skuth Or Hsaven Skouth Orf Hseaven Juhst Sokuth Ofr Hesaven J7st S9uth Og H3aven J7ust S9outh Ogf H3eaven Ju7st So9uth Ofg He3aven
Jkst S0uth Ot Hfaven S0outh Otf Hfeaven Jukst So0uth Oft Hefaven Jist Sluth Ov Hraven Slouth Ovf Hreaven Juist Soluth Ofv Heraven
J8st Siuth Od H4aven J8ust Siouth Odf H4eaven Ju8st Soiuth Ofd He4aven Jjst Souuth Hdaven Jjust Soth Hdeaven Jujst Sotuh Hedaven
Jyst Sohth Hwaven Jyust Sohuth Hweaven Juyst Souhth Hewaven Jusst So7th Heaaven Jut So7uth Heven Juts Sou7th Hevaen
Juzt Sokth Hezven Juzst Hezaven Juszt Soukth Heazven Juwt Soith Heqven Juwst Heqaven Juswt Souith Heaqven
Judt So8th Hesven Judst So8uth Jusdt Sou8th Heasven

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