Enter The Haggis
That's What I've Done

I'm away to the city
Never thought I'd have to sell the farm
It's a shame, what a pity
Now I've got a condo for a barn

Came to town on my tractor
Didn't want to leave it there to rust
Now I drive to the office
Never was the kind to take the bus

Chickens on the chesterfield
Ducks on the duvet
Henry the horse is in the hall
They say that we should make the best
Of everything that comes
So that's what I've done

Got a call from my landlord
Said that only dogs and cats could stay
He agreed to a treaty
As long as he got fresh eggs everyday

Cows are in the kitchen
And the sheep are on the shelves
Henry the horse is in the hall
They say that we should make the best
Of everything that comes
So that's what I've done

Of all the jobs moving to the city
Farming is the easiest to take
For if I were a fisherman
Surely I would have to bring a lake

Donkeys in the dining room
Pigs are by the pool
Henry the horse is in the hall
They say that we should make the best
Of everything that comes
So that's what I've done

Mirror lyrics:

So that's what I've done
Of everything that comes
They say that we should make the best
Henry the horse is in the hall
Pigs are by the pool
Donkeys in the dining room

Surely I would have to bring a lake
For if I were a fisherman
Farming is the easiest to take
Of all the jobs moving to the city

So that's what I've done
Of everything that comes
They say that we should make the best
Henry the horse is in the hall
And the sheep are on the shelves
Cows are in the kitchen

As long as he got fresh eggs everyday
He agreed to a treaty
Said that only dogs and cats could stay
Got a call from my landlord

So that's what I've done
Of everything that comes
They say that we should make the best
Henry the horse is in the hall
Ducks on the duvet
Chickens on the chesterfield

Never was the kind to take the bus
Now I drive to the office
Didn't want to leave it there to rust
Came to town on my tractor

Now I've got a condo for a barn
It's a shame, what a pity
Never thought I'd have to sell the farm
I'm away to the city

Relevant Tags:
TThat's WWhat II've DDone hat's hat 've one hTat's hWat 'Ive oDne fhat's ahat j've xone fThat's aWhat jI've xDone Tfhat's Wahat Ij've Dxone
5hat's 3hat 9've eone 5That's 3What 9I've eDone T5hat's W3hat I9've Deone hhat's dhat l've fone hThat's dWhat lI've fDone Thhat's Wdhat Il've Dfone
yhat's ehat o've rone yThat's eWhat oI've rDone Tyhat's Wehat Io've Drone 6hat's shat k've cone 6That's sWhat kI've cDone T6hat's Wshat Ik've Dcone
ghat's 2hat 8've sone gThat's 2What 8I've sDone Tghat's W2hat I8've Dsone rhat's qhat u've Doone rThat's qWhat uI've Dne Trhat's Wqhat Iu've Dnoe
Whhat I''ve Dkne Tat's Wat Ive Dkone Taht's Waht Iv'e Dokne Tjat's Wjat I'vve D9ne Tjhat's Wjhat I'e D9one Thjat's Whjat I'ev Do9ne
Tuat's Wuat I'be D0ne Tuhat's Wuhat I'bve D0one Thuat's Whuat I'vbe Do0ne Tnat's Wnat I'ce Dlne Tnhat's Wnhat I'cve Dlone Thnat's Whnat I'vce Dolne
Tbat's Wbat I'ge Dine Tbhat's Wbhat I'gve Dione Thbat's Whbat I'vge Doine Tgat's Wgat I'fe Donne Wghat I'fve Doe Thgat's Whgat I'vfe Doen
Tyat's Wyat I'vee Dome Wyhat I'v Domne Thyat's Whyat I've Donme Thaat's Whaat I'vs Dohe Tht's Wht I'vse Dohne Thta's Whta I'ves Donhe
Thzt's Whzt I'v3 Doje Thzat's Whzat I'v3e Dojne Thazt's Whazt I've3 Donje Thqt's Whqt I'vf Dobe Thqat's Whqat Dobne Thaqt's Whaqt I'vef Donbe

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