Electric Eel Shock
Do The Metal

Daiyaru 66.6
Akuma no antena ga kyatti
Kaizoku radio illegal Omoku tumetai ai no message

Heavy Metal Mania,Master D Snyder
Shout at me now

Do the Metal !
And just keep rock'n rolling
Come on now

Akuma no highway wo buttobasu
Aezase Heavy Metal City
Hizunda guitar wo tukisase
R&R tour, Heavy Metal tour

Heavy Metal holic
God Ozzy Osbourne
Let's talk about Heavy Metal

Do the Metal!
And just keep rock'n rolling
Come on now


Do the Metal !
And just keep rock'n rolling
Come on now

Mirror lyrics:

Come on now
And just keep rock'n rolling
Do the Metal !


Come on now
And just keep rock'n rolling
Do the Metal!

Let's talk about Heavy Metal
God Ozzy Osbourne
Heavy Metal holic

R&R tour, Heavy Metal tour
Hizunda guitar wo tukisase
Aezase Heavy Metal City
Akuma no highway wo buttobasu

Come on now
And just keep rock'n rolling
Do the Metal !

Shout at me now
Heavy Metal Mania,Master D Snyder

Kaizoku radio illegal Omoku tumetai ai no message
Akuma no antena ga kyatti
Daiyaru 66.6

Relevant Tags:
DDo TThe MMetal o he etal oD hTe eMtal xo fhe jetal xDo fThe jMetal Dxo Tfhe Mjetal eo 5he ketal eDo 5The kMetal Deo T5he Mketal
fo hhe netal fDo hThe nMetal Dfo Thhe Mnetal ro yhe Meetal rDo yThe Mtal Dro Tyhe Mteal co 6he Mstal cDo 6The Msetal Dco T6he Mestal
so ghe M3tal sDo gThe M3etal Dso Tghe Me3tal Doo rhe Mftal D rThe Mfetal Do Trhe Meftal Dk Mrtal Dko Te Mretal Dok Teh Mertal
D9 Tje M4tal D9o Tjhe M4etal Do9 Thje Me4tal D0 Tue Mdtal D0o Tuhe Mdetal Do0 Thue Medtal Dl Tne Mwtal Dlo Tnhe Mwetal Dol Thne Mewtal
Di Tbe Mettal Dio Tbhe Meal Doi Thbe Meatl Tge Mefal Thge Metfal Tye Me5al Me5tal

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