Electric Valentine
A Night With You

All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you
So don't keep me waiting

Electric Valentine

Just stay, we both know you want a little taste
And I just don't have the time to waste
A subtlety baby (a subtlety baby)
True, I'll stay if you ask me to
I'm not gonna lie to you
I really need a night with you, yeah

All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you
So don't keep me waiting [x2]
Don't keep me waiting

Once more and I really like to hold you more
It's even better on my bathroom floor
If you know what I mean now
True, I'll stay if you ask me to
I'm not gonna lie to you
I really need a night with you, yeah

All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you
So don't keep me waiting [x2]

You're exactly, you're exactly what I need [3x]
Like it really matters anyway [2x]

All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you
So don't keep me waiting [x4]
Don't keep me waiting

Mirror lyrics:

Don't keep me waiting
So don't keep me waiting [x4]
All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you

Like it really matters anyway [2x]
You're exactly, you're exactly what I need [3x]

So don't keep me waiting [x2]
All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you

I really need a night with you, yeah
I'm not gonna lie to you
True, I'll stay if you ask me to
If you know what I mean now
It's even better on my bathroom floor
Once more and I really like to hold you more

Don't keep me waiting
So don't keep me waiting [x2]
All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you

I really need a night with you, yeah
I'm not gonna lie to you
True, I'll stay if you ask me to
A subtlety baby (a subtlety baby)
And I just don't have the time to waste
Just stay, we both know you want a little taste

Electric Valentine

So don't keep me waiting
All I wanted was just a night with you
A night with you baby
All I wanted was just a night with you

Relevant Tags:
AA NNight WWith YYou ight ith ou A iNght iWth oYu z might aith gou zA mNight aWith gYou Az Nmight Waith Ygou q hight 3ith hou
qA hNight 3With hYou Aq Nhight W3ith Yhou s jight dith 6ou sA jNight dWith 6You As Njight Wdith Y6ou w bight eith uou wA bNight eWith uYou
Aw Nbight Weith Yuou x Niight sith 7ou xA Nght sWith 7You Ax Ngiht Wsith Y7ou Njght 2ith jou 2With jYou Nijght W2ith Yjou
N9ght qith tou N9ight qWith tYou Ni9ght Wqith Ytou Nlght Wiith Yoou Nlight Wth Yu Nilght Wtih Yuo Noght Wjth Yku
Noight Wjith Ykou Nioght Wijth Yoku Nkght W9th Y9u Nkight W9ith Y9ou Nikght Wi9th Yo9u N8ght Wlth Y0u N8ight Wlith Y0ou
Ni8ght Wilth Yo0u Nught Woth Ylu Nuight Woith Ylou Niught Wioth Yolu Nigght Wkth Yiu Niht Wkith Yiou Nihgt Wikth Yoiu
Nihht W8th Youu Nihght W8ith Yo Nighht Wi8th You Niyht Wuth Yoh Niyght Wuith Yohu Nigyht Wiuth Youh Nibht Witth Yo7

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