Coming Second

Found a hole and slipped on through
Kissed the stone and learnt the lines
Jumped the cue all the time forgetting you

Best dishevelled lover 3yrs running
Coming second to
A picket fence white 9-5 whos
Just alive

Beyond repair, there is nothing to say
Save some fading regrets
Yet I can't be without this

I want you to be around.

Spit-shone lies, juggled debts
Planted flags and made regrets.
Muddled through all the time
Forgetting you

Cut your teeth and breezed on to
another brothers fickle ways
So why amazed when it don't
Come/turn out your way

Mirror lyrics:

Come/turn out your way
So why amazed when it don't
another brothers fickle ways
Cut your teeth and breezed on to

Forgetting you
Muddled through all the time
Planted flags and made regrets.
Spit-shone lies, juggled debts

I want you to be around.

Yet I can't be without this
Save some fading regrets
Beyond repair, there is nothing to say

Just alive
A picket fence white 9-5 whos
Coming second to
Best dishevelled lover 3yrs running

Jumped the cue all the time forgetting you
Kissed the stone and learnt the lines
Found a hole and slipped on through

Relevant Tags:
CComing SSecond oming econd oCming eScond foming zecond fComing zSecond Cfoming Szecond xoming wecond xComing wSecond Cxoming Swecond
voming decond vComing dSecond Cvoming Sdecond doming eecond dComing eSecond Cdoming Seecond Cooming xecond Cming xSecond Cmoing Sxecond
Ckming aecond Ckoming aSecond Cokming Saecond C9ming C9oming Scond Co9ming Sceond C0ming Sscond C0oming Ssecond Co0ming Sescond
Clming S3cond Cloming S3econd Colming Se3cond Ciming Sfcond Cioming Sfecond Coiming Sefcond Comming Srcond Coing Srecond Coimng Sercond
Cojing S4cond Cojming S4econd Comjing Se4cond Coking Sdcond Comking Sedcond Coning Swcond Conming Comning Sewcond Comiing Seccond
Comng Seond Comnig Seocnd Comjng Sefond Comijng Secfond Com9ng Sexond Com9ing Sexcond Comi9ng Secxond Comlng Sevond

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