One Day Like This

Drinking in the morning sun.
Blinking in the morning sun.
Shaking off a heavy one.
Heavy like a loaded gun.
What made me behave that way?
Using words I never say.
I can only think it must be love.
Oh anyway,
it's looking like a beautiful day.

Someone tell me how I feel.
It's silly wrong but vivid right.
Kiss me like a final meal.
Kiss me like we die tonight.

'Cause holy cow I love your eyes.
And only now I see the light.
Yea lying with you half awake.
Oh anyway,
it's looking like a beautiful day.

When my face is chamois creased.
If you think I wink I did.
Laugh politely at repeats.
Kiss me when my lips are thin.

'Cause holy cow I love your eyes.
And only now I see the light.
Yea lying with you half awake.
Stumbling over what to say.
Well anyway,
it's looking like a beautiful day.

So throw those curtains wide.
One day like this a year would see me right.

Mirror lyrics:

One day like this a year would see me right.
So throw those curtains wide.

it's looking like a beautiful day.
Well anyway,
Stumbling over what to say.
Yea lying with you half awake.
And only now I see the light.
'Cause holy cow I love your eyes.

Kiss me when my lips are thin.
Laugh politely at repeats.
If you think I wink I did.
When my face is chamois creased.

it's looking like a beautiful day.
Oh anyway,
Yea lying with you half awake.
And only now I see the light.
'Cause holy cow I love your eyes.

Kiss me like we die tonight.
Kiss me like a final meal.
It's silly wrong but vivid right.
Someone tell me how I feel.

it's looking like a beautiful day.
Oh anyway,
I can only think it must be love.
Using words I never say.
What made me behave that way?
Heavy like a loaded gun.
Shaking off a heavy one.
Blinking in the morning sun.
Drinking in the morning sun.

Relevant Tags:
OOne DDay LLike TThis ne ay ike his nOe aDy iLke hTis kne xay kike fhis kOne xDay kLike fThis Okne Dxay Lkike Tfhis
9ne eay oike 5his 9One eDay oLike 5This O9ne Deay Loike T5his 0ne fay pike hhis 0One fDay pLike hThis O0ne Dfay Lpike Thhis
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Onne say L9ke ghis Oe sDay L9ike gThis Oen Dsay Li9ke Tghis Ome Daay Llke rhis Omne Dy Llike rThis Onme Dya Lilke Trhis
Ohe Dzy Loke Ohne Dzay Tis Onhe Dazy Lioke Tihs Oje Dqy Lkke Tjis Ojne Dqay Tjhis Onje Daqy Likke Thjis
Obe Dsy L8ke Tuis Obne L8ike Tuhis Onbe Dasy Li8ke Thuis Onee Dwy Luke Tnis On Dway Luike Tnhis One Dawy Liuke Thnis
Ons Dxy Tbis Onse Lie Tbhis Ones Daxy Liek Thbis On3 Dayy Lile Tgis On3e Da One3 Day Likle Thgis
Onf Dag Lioe Tyis

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