Four Wheeling

You could call me a car lover
'Cause I love it in a motor
And the way it feels
To rob a man on four wheels

I hardly know you
But I think I'm going to
Let's go Siesta
In your Ford Fiesta

Here we go again
I'm riding in your car
Let me count to ten
'Cause it's gone way too far

Up my street to nowhere
You know what detours are
Here we go again
And it's gone way too far

If you wanna win me over
You should get yourself a Rover
Every shining bonnet
Makes me think of my back on it

If you wanna see me veering
You should get yourself four-wheeling
Even in a Honda
You look like Peter Fonda

Here we go again
I'm riding in your car
Let me count to ten
'Cause it's gone way too far

Up my street to nowhere
You know what detours are
Here we go again
And it's gone way too far

Mirror lyrics:

And it's gone way too far
Here we go again
You know what detours are
Up my street to nowhere

'Cause it's gone way too far
Let me count to ten
I'm riding in your car
Here we go again

You look like Peter Fonda
Even in a Honda
You should get yourself four-wheeling
If you wanna see me veering

Makes me think of my back on it
Every shining bonnet
You should get yourself a Rover
If you wanna win me over

And it's gone way too far
Here we go again
You know what detours are
Up my street to nowhere

'Cause it's gone way too far
Let me count to ten
I'm riding in your car
Here we go again

In your Ford Fiesta
Let's go Siesta
But I think I'm going to
I hardly know you

To rob a man on four wheels
And the way it feels
'Cause I love it in a motor
You could call me a car lover

Relevant Tags:
FFour WWheeling our heeling oFur hWeeling cour aheeling cFour aWheeling Fcour Waheeling rour 3heeling rFour 3Wheeling Frour W3heeling
gour dheeling gFour dWheeling Fgour Wdheeling tour eheeling tFour eWheeling Ftour Weheeling vour sheeling vFour sWheeling Fvour Wsheeling
dour 2heeling dFour 2Wheeling Fdour W2heeling Foour qheeling Fur qWheeling Fuor Wqheeling Fkur Whheeling Fkour Weeling Fokur Weheling
F9ur Wjeeling F9our Wjheeling Fo9ur Whjeeling F0ur Wueeling F0our Wuheeling Fo0ur Whueeling Flur Wneeling Flour Wnheeling Folur Whneeling
Fiur Wbeeling Fiour Wbheeling Foiur Whbeeling Fouur Wgeeling For Wgheeling Foru Whgeeling Fohr Wyeeling Fohur Wyheeling Fouhr Whyeeling
Fo7r Wheeeling Fo7ur Wheling Fou7r Wheeling Fokr Whseling Whseeling Foukr Wheseling Foir Wh3eling Wh3eeling Fouir Whe3eling
Fo8r Whfeling Fo8ur Whfeeling Fou8r Whefeling Fojr Whreling Fojur Whreeling Foujr Whereling Foyr Wh4eling Foyur Wh4eeling Fouyr Whe4eling
Fourr Whdeling Fou Whdeeling Four Whedeling Foud Whweling Foudr Whweeling Fourd Wheweling Fou4 Fou4r Four4 Wheleing
Foug Whesling Fougr Fourg Wheesling

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