Aurora Borealis

[Lyrics by Frode Glesnes]

[Music by Gerhard Storsund & Frode Glesnes]

A freezing winter sweeps the land

A creeping frost sets in

The fog encircles the castle

Surrounded by a total silence

Black clouds weigh upon from above

The candles are the only lights

The trance is getting deeper

Reaching upon thy mighty thrones

Then an iceblue shimmer hits the wall

The wind whistles a melancholy tune

Feel their presence


During dark and stormy nights of winter

You may see the lights of Thule

Aurora Borealis

Crossing the wastes of the northern fields

Frozen by the cold that paralizes the will

Enter the darkest depths of the northern woods

Tormented by the heat of the hellburning flames

Black moon rising from the sea way up north

Wotan rides across the sky

His fallen warriors hails him high

A freezing winter

A creeping frost

Black moon rising

Thy mighty thrones

Mirror lyrics:

Thy mighty thrones

Black moon rising

A creeping frost

A freezing winter

His fallen warriors hails him high

Wotan rides across the sky

Black moon rising from the sea way up north

Tormented by the heat of the hellburning flames

Enter the darkest depths of the northern woods

Frozen by the cold that paralizes the will

Crossing the wastes of the northern fields

Aurora Borealis

You may see the lights of Thule

During dark and stormy nights of winter


Feel their presence

The wind whistles a melancholy tune

Then an iceblue shimmer hits the wall

Reaching upon thy mighty thrones

The trance is getting deeper

The candles are the only lights

Black clouds weigh upon from above

Surrounded by a total silence

The fog encircles the castle

A creeping frost sets in

A freezing winter sweeps the land

[Music by Gerhard Storsund & Frode Glesnes]

[Lyrics by Frode Glesnes]

Relevant Tags:
AAurora BBorealis urora orealis uArora oBrealis zurora vorealis zAurora vBorealis Azurora Bvorealis qurora gorealis
qAurora gBorealis Aqurora Bgorealis surora norealis sAurora nBorealis Asurora Bnorealis wurora horealis wAurora hBorealis
Awurora Bhorealis xurora Boorealis xAurora Brealis Axurora Broealis Auurora Bkrealis Arora Bkorealis Aruora Bokrealis
Ahrora B9realis Ahurora B9orealis Auhrora Bo9realis A7rora B0realis A7urora B0orealis Au7rora Bo0realis Akrora Blrealis
Akurora Blorealis Aukrora Bolrealis Airora Birealis Aiurora Biorealis Auirora Boirealis A8rora Borrealis A8urora Boealis
Au8rora Boeralis Ajrora Bodealis Ajurora Bodrealis Aujrora Bordealis Ayrora Bo4ealis Ayurora Bo4realis Auyrora Bor4ealis
Aurrora Bogealis Auora Bogrealis Auorra Borgealis Audora Botealis Audrora Botrealis Aurdora Bortealis Au4ora Bo5ealis
Au4rora Bo5realis Aur4ora Bor5ealis Augora Bofealis Augrora Bofrealis Aurgora Borfealis Autora Boeealis Autrora Boerealis
Aurtora Boreealis Au5ora Au5rora Boralis Aur5ora Boraelis Aufora Borsalis Aufrora Borsealis Aurfora Boresalis
Aueora Bor3alis Auerora Bor3ealis Aureora Bore3alis Auroora Borfalis Aurra Aurroa Borefalis Aurkra Borralis
Aurkora Aurokra Boreralis Aur9ra Bor4alis

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