The Man Who Didn't Know He'd Lost His Mind

What can I tell you you haven't heard a hundred times
About the man who didn't know he'd lost his mind?
He didn't know he'd lost his mind
He really thought that he was fine

Mary and Joseph look away from what is here
It's not gonna be a pretty sight

If it could be a little more and a little less
Maybe I'd get it all together and get out of this mess
I'm gonna get out of this mess
And I'll do my very best
To get out of this mess
And I'll go where I can breathe

Mirror lyrics:

And I'll go where I can breathe
To get out of this mess
And I'll do my very best
I'm gonna get out of this mess
Maybe I'd get it all together and get out of this mess
If it could be a little more and a little less

It's not gonna be a pretty sight
Mary and Joseph look away from what is here

He really thought that he was fine
He didn't know he'd lost his mind
About the man who didn't know he'd lost his mind?
What can I tell you you haven't heard a hundred times

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMan WWho DDidn't KKnow HHe'd LLost HHis MMind he an ho idn't now e'd ost is ind hTe aMn hWo iDdn't nKow eH'd oLst iHs iMnd
fhe jan aho xidn't lnow je'd kost jis jind fThe jMan aWho xDidn't lKnow jHe'd kLost jHis jMind Tfhe Mjan Waho Dxidn't Klnow Hje'd Lkost Hjis Mjind
5he kan 3ho eidn't onow ue'd oost uis kind 5The kMan 3Who eDidn't oKnow uHe'd oLost uHis kMind T5he Mkan W3ho Deidn't Konow Hue'd Loost Huis Mkind
hhe nan dho fidn't mnow ne'd post nis nind hThe nMan dWho fDidn't mKnow nHe'd pLost nHis nMind Thhe Mnan Wdho Dfidn't Kmnow Hne'd Lpost Hnis Mnind
yhe Maan eho ridn't jnow be'd bis Miind yThe Mn eWho rDidn't jKnow bHe'd Lst bHis Mnd Tyhe Mna Weho Dridn't Kjnow Hbe'd Lsot Hbis Mnid
6he Mzn sho cidn't inow ge'd Lkst gis Mjnd 6The Mzan sWho cDidn't iKnow gHe'd gHis T6he Mazn Wsho Dcidn't Kinow Hge'd Lokst Hgis Mijnd
ghe Mqn 2ho sidn't Knnow ye'd L9st yis M9nd gThe Mqan 2Who sDidn't Kow yHe'd L9ost yHis M9ind Tghe Maqn W2ho Dsidn't Konw Hye'd Lo9st Hyis Mi9nd
rhe Msn qho Diidn't Kmow Hee'd L0st Hiis Mlnd rThe Msan qWho Ddn't H'd L0ost Hs Mlind Trhe Masn Wqho Ddin't Knmow H'ed Lo0st Hsi Milnd
Mwn Whho Djdn't Khow Hs'd Llst Hjs Mond Te Mwan Wo Djidn't Khnow Hse'd Llost Moind Teh Mawn Woh Dijdn't Knhow Hes'd Lolst Hijs Miond
Tje Mxn Wjo D9dn't Kjow H3'd List H9s Mknd Tjhe Mxan Wjho D9idn't H3e'd Liost H9is Thje Maxn Whjo Di9dn't Knjow He3'd Loist Hi9s Miknd
Tue Mann Wuo Dldn't Kbow Hf'd Losst Hls M8nd Tuhe Ma Wuho Dlidn't Kbnow Hfe'd Lot Hlis M8ind Thue Man Whuo Dildn't Knbow Hef'd Lots Hils Mi8nd
Tne Mam Wno Dodn't Knoow Hr'd Lozt Hos Mund Tnhe Mamn Wnho Doidn't Knw Hre'd Lozst Hois Muind Thne Manm Whno Diodn't Knwo Her'd Loszt Hios Miund
Tbe Mah Wbo Dkdn't Knkw H4'd Lowt Hks Minnd Tbhe Mahn Wbho Dkidn't Knkow H4e'd Lowst Hkis Mid Thbe Manh Whbo Dikdn't Knokw He4'd Loswt Hiks Midn
Tge Maj Wgo D8dn't Kn9w Hd'd Lodt H8s Mimd Majn Wgho D8idn't Kn9ow Hde'd Lodst H8is Mimnd Thge Manj Whgo Di8dn't Kno9w Hed'd Losdt Hi8s Minmd
Tye Mab Wyo Dudn't Kn0w Hw'd Loet Hus Mihd Mabn Wyho Duidn't Kn0ow Hwe'd Loest Mihnd Thye Manb Whyo Diudn't Kno0w Hew'd Loset Hius Minhd
Thee Whoo Diddn't Knlw He''d Loxt Hiss Mijd Th Wh Din't Knlow Hed Loxst Hi The Who Dind't Knolw Hed' Losxt His Minjd
Ths Whk Dixn't Kniw He'dd Loat Hiz Mibd Thse Whko Dixdn't Kniow He' Loast Hizs Mibnd Thes Whok Didxn't Knoiw He'd Losat Hisz Minbd
Th3 Wh9 Dien't Knoww He'x Lostt Hiw Mindd Th3e Wh9o Diedn't Kno He'xd Los Hiws Min The3 Who9 Diden't Know He'dx Lost Hisw Mind

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