All In A Day's Work

When I was born
The doctor said
There's something wrong
Inside that baby head
When I was a boy
In Sunday school
I told them all
That they were fools

All in a day's work
To live and breathe
A sight to see
And so it goes

I went into
The fortune teller's
She wouldn't read
My horoscope
I go into
The laundromat
The people all
Buy extra soap

All in a day's work
To live and breathe
A sight to see
All in a day's work
To live and breathe
A sight to see

Mirror lyrics:

A sight to see
To live and breathe
All in a day's work
A sight to see
To live and breathe
All in a day's work

Buy extra soap
The people all
The laundromat
I go into
My horoscope
She wouldn't read
The fortune teller's
I went into

And so it goes
A sight to see
To live and breathe
All in a day's work

That they were fools
I told them all
In Sunday school
When I was a boy
Inside that baby head
There's something wrong
The doctor said
When I was born

Relevant Tags:
AAll IIn AA DDay's WWork ll n ay's ork lAl nI A aDy's oWrk zll jn z xay's aork zAll jIn zA xDay's aWork Azll Ijn Az Dxay's Waork
qll 9n q eay's 3ork qAll 9In qA eDay's 3Work Aqll I9n Aq Deay's W3ork sll ln s fay's dork sAll lIn sA fDay's dWork Asll Iln As Dfay's Wdork
wll on w ray's eork wAll oIn wA rDay's eWork Awll Ion Aw Dray's Weork xll kn x cay's sork xAll kIn xA cDay's sWork Axll Ikn Ax Dcay's Wsork
Alll 8n say's 2ork Al 8In sDay's 2Work All I8n Dsay's W2ork Akl un Daay's qork Akll uIn Dy's qWork Alkl Iun Dya's Wqork
Aol Inn Dzy's Woork Aoll I Dzay's Wrk Alol In Dazy's Wrok Apl Im Dqy's Wkrk Apll Imn Dqay's Wkork Alpl Inm Daqy's Wokrk
Ih Dsy's W9rk Ihn W9ork Inh Dasy's Wo9rk Alk Ij Dwy's W0rk Dway's W0ork Allk Inj Dawy's Wo0rk
Alo Ib Dxy's Wlrk Ibn Wlork Allo Inb Daxy's Wolrk Alp Dayy's Wirk Da's Wiork Allp Da'ys Woirk
Dag's Worrk

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