Edyta Gorniak
Coming Back To Love

I was the earth covered in drifts of snow
Frozen in time a time I'd sooner not remember
You were the breathe of spring
Moving in
Melting me down
To this forgotten heartbeat
Waking with the rhythm of you

I'm coming back to love, oh
Feel you unfold in me
I'm like a flower in your hands
Opening to the sun
Coming back to love again

Lying with you watching the day go down
These simple things have brought me to my senses
Flowing inside my skin
I breathe you in
Into my soul
Deep inside your heartbeat
I'm stronger with the rhythm of you

Coming back coming back
...With you I remember
How good this feels...

I'm coming back to love, oh ...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm coming back to love, oh ...

How good this feels...
...With you I remember
Coming back coming back

I'm stronger with the rhythm of you
Deep inside your heartbeat
Into my soul
I breathe you in
Flowing inside my skin
These simple things have brought me to my senses
Lying with you watching the day go down

Coming back to love again
Opening to the sun
I'm like a flower in your hands
Feel you unfold in me
I'm coming back to love, oh

Waking with the rhythm of you
To this forgotten heartbeat
Melting me down
Moving in
You were the breathe of spring
Frozen in time a time I'd sooner not remember
I was the earth covered in drifts of snow

Relevant Tags:
CComing BBack TTo LLove oming ack o ove oCming aBck oT oLve foming vack fo kove fComing vBack fTo kLove Cfoming Bvack Tfo Lkove
xoming gack 5o oove xComing gBack 5To oLove Cxoming Bgack T5o Loove voming nack ho pove vComing nBack hTo pLove Cvoming Bnack Tho Lpove
doming hack yo dComing hBack yTo Lve Cdoming Bhack Tyo Lvoe Cooming Baack 6o Lkve Cming Bck 6To Cmoing Bcak T6o Lokve
Ckming Bzck go L9ve Ckoming Bzack gTo L9ove Cokming Bazck Tgo Lo9ve C9ming Bqck ro L0ve C9oming Bqack rTo L0ove Co9ming Baqck Tro Lo0ve
C0ming Bsck Too Llve C0oming Bsack T Llove Co0ming Basck To Lolve Clming Bwck Tk Live Cloming Bwack Tko Liove Colming Bawck Tok Loive
Ciming Bxck T9 Lovve Cioming Bxack T9o Loe Coiming Baxck To9 Loev Comming Bacck T0 Lobe Coing Bak T0o Lobve Coimng Bakc To0 Lovbe
Cojing Bafk Tl Loce Cojming Bafck Tlo Locve Comjing Bacfk Tol Lovce Coking Baxk Ti Loge Tio Logve Comking Bacxk Toi Lovge
Coning Bavk Lofe Conming Bavck Lofve Comning Bacvk Lovfe Comiing Badk Lovee Comng Badck Lov Comnig Bacdk Love
Comjng Backk Lovs Bac Lovse

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