Elvis Presley
There Is So Much World To See

Baby it's wrong wrong as can be
To try and tie guy like me
I could never settle down in a little sleepy town
There's so much world to see

Sure would be happy for a while
But then we'd have to part
When tears replace your loving smile
Well I don't want to be the guy
who has to break your heart
So here's where it ends
Not lovers but friends
Though your lips are tempting me
Maybe I'm a fool and yet
This wanderer just can't forget
There's so much world to see

Sure would be happy for a while
But then we'd have to part
When tears replace your loving smile
Well I don't want to be the guy
who has to break your heart
So here's where it ends
Not lovers but friends
Though your lips are tempting me
Maybe I'm a fool and yet
This wanderer just can't forget
There's so much world to see
For me, there's so much world to see
Yeah! yeah! Mmm

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah! yeah! Mmm
For me, there's so much world to see
There's so much world to see
This wanderer just can't forget
Maybe I'm a fool and yet
Though your lips are tempting me
Not lovers but friends
So here's where it ends
who has to break your heart
Well I don't want to be the guy
When tears replace your loving smile
But then we'd have to part
Sure would be happy for a while

There's so much world to see
This wanderer just can't forget
Maybe I'm a fool and yet
Though your lips are tempting me
Not lovers but friends
So here's where it ends
who has to break your heart
Well I don't want to be the guy
When tears replace your loving smile
But then we'd have to part
Sure would be happy for a while

There's so much world to see
I could never settle down in a little sleepy town
To try and tie guy like me
Baby it's wrong wrong as can be

Relevant Tags:
TThere IIs SSo MMuch WWorld TTo SSee here s o uch orld o ee hTere sI oS uMch oWrld oT eSe fhere js zo juch aorld fo zee fThere jIs zSo jMuch aWorld fTo zSee
Tfhere Ijs Szo Mjuch Waorld Tfo Szee 5here 9s wo kuch 3orld 5o wee 5There 9Is wSo kMuch 3World 5To wSee T5here I9s Swo Mkuch W3orld T5o Swee hhere ls do nuch dorld ho dee
hThere lIs dSo nMuch dWorld hTo dSee Thhere Ils Sdo Mnuch Wdorld Tho Sdee yhere os eo Muuch eorld yo eee yThere oIs eSo Mch eWorld yTo eSee Tyhere Ios Seo Mcuh Weorld Tyo Seee
6here ks xo Mhch sorld 6o xee 6There kIs xSo Mhuch sWorld 6To xSee T6here Iks Sxo Muhch Wsorld T6o Sxee ghere 8s ao M7ch 2orld go aee gThere 8Is aSo M7uch 2World gTo aSee
Tghere I8s Sao Mu7ch W2orld Tgo Saee rhere us Soo Mkch qorld ro rThere uIs S qWorld rTo Se Trhere Ius So Mukch Wqorld Tro See Iss Sk Mich Woorld Too Sse
Tere I Sko Miuch Wrld T Ssee Tehre Is Sok Muich Wrold To Sese Tjere Iz S9 M8ch Wkrld Tk S3e Tjhere Izs S9o M8uch Wkorld Tko S3ee Thjere Isz So9 Mu8ch Wokrld Tok Se3e
Tuere Iw S0 Mjch W9rld T9 Sfe Tuhere Iws S0o W9orld T9o Sfee Thuere Isw So0 Mujch Wo9rld To9 Sefe Tnere Id Sl Mych W0rld T0 Sre Tnhere Ids Slo Myuch W0orld T0o Sree
Thnere Isd Sol Muych Wo0rld To0 Sere Tbere Ie Si Mucch Wlrld Tl S4e Tbhere Ies Sio Muh Wlorld Tlo S4ee Thbere Ise Soi Muhc Wolrld Tol Se4e Tgere Ix Mufh Wirld Ti Sde
Ixs Mufch Wiorld Tio Thgere Isx Mucfh Woirld Toi Sede Tyere Ia Muxh Worrld Swe Ias Muxch Wold Thyere Isa Mucxh Wolrd Sewe
Theere Muvh Wodld Thre Muvch Wodrld Three Mucvh Wordld Thsre Mudh Wo4ld Ses Thsere Mudch Wo4rld
Thesre Mucdh Wor4ld Sees Th3re Muchh Wogld Se3

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