Elvis Presley
The Wonder Of You

When no one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me love and consolation
You give me hope to carry on
and you're always there to lend a hand
in everything I do
That's the wonder, the wonder of you

And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I am a king
Your love to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything
I guess, I'll never know the reason why
You love as you do
'cause, that's the wonder, the wonder of you

I guess, I'll never know the reason why
You love me as you do
'Cause that's the wonder, the wonder of you

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause that's the wonder, the wonder of you
You love me as you do
I guess, I'll never know the reason why

'cause, that's the wonder, the wonder of you
You love as you do
I guess, I'll never know the reason why
Your love for me is everything
Your love to me is worth a fortune
You touch my hand and I am a king
And when you smile the world is brighter

That's the wonder, the wonder of you
in everything I do
and you're always there to lend a hand
You give me hope to carry on
You give me love and consolation
When everything I do is wrong
When no one else can understand me

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWonder OOf YYou he onder f ou hTe oWnder fO oYu fhe aonder kf gou fThe aWonder kOf gYou Tfhe Waonder Okf Ygou
5he 3onder 9f hou 5The 3Wonder 9Of hYou T5he W3onder O9f Yhou hhe donder 0f 6ou hThe dWonder 0Of 6You Thhe Wdonder O0f Y6ou
yhe eonder lf uou yThe eWonder lOf uYou Tyhe Weonder Olf Yuou 6he sonder if 7ou 6The sWonder iOf 7You T6he Wsonder Oif Y7ou
ghe 2onder Off jou gThe 2Wonder O jYou Tghe W2onder Of Yjou rhe qonder Oc tou rThe qWonder Ocf tYou Trhe Wqonder Ofc Ytou
Woonder Or Yoou Te Wnder Orf Yu Teh Wnoder Ofr Yuo Tje Wknder Og Yku Tjhe Wkonder Ogf Ykou Thje Woknder Ofg Yoku
Tue W9nder Ot Y9u Tuhe W9onder Otf Y9ou Thue Wo9nder Oft Yo9u Tne W0nder Ov Y0u Tnhe W0onder Ovf Y0ou Thne Wo0nder Ofv Yo0u
Tbe Wlnder Od Ylu Tbhe Wlonder Odf Ylou Thbe Wolnder Ofd Yolu Tge Winder Yiu Wionder Yiou Thge Woinder Yoiu
Tye Wonnder Youu Woder Yo Thye Wodner You Thee Womder Yoh Th Womnder Yohu The Wonmder Youh
Ths Wohder Yo7 Thse Wohnder Yo7u Thes Wonhder You7 Th3 Wojder Yok Th3e Wojnder The3 Wonjder Youk
Thf Wobder Yoi Thfe Wobnder Thef Wonbder Youi Thr Wondder Yo8

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