En Vogue
Falling In Love

Falling in love
It grabs me; it scares me
It knows how to inform me
Falling in love
It takes me on a journey
Of emotions deep inside me
Falling in love
Nothing prepared me
For this feeling that I'm feeling
Falling in love
It's draining; it's wearing
I surrender completely

Ooh I wasn't ready for this
It's good it's bad
I'm happy and I'm sad
A mystery to behold
It speaks only to heart and soul
Like a melody deep inside of me
I saw that love keeps playing on and on
A symphony so glad I hear
Angels whispering

Repeat 1

I never knew that life could be
So heavenly I'm feeling free
Oh how could something be so satisfying?
And yet a feeling of fearfulness
Is lurking in the mist of the bliss
Inside my heart, but I know that's all a part

Repeat 1

I'm a business queen
In a coupret kingdom
But when it comes to love
There's no software made for that
Love oh love you came
You turned my perfect world upside down
Like a work of art
Love has shaped my heart

Repeat 1 till end

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat 1 till end

Love has shaped my heart
Like a work of art
You turned my perfect world upside down
Love oh love you came
There's no software made for that
But when it comes to love
In a coupret kingdom
I'm a business queen

Repeat 1

Inside my heart, but I know that's all a part
Is lurking in the mist of the bliss
And yet a feeling of fearfulness
Oh how could something be so satisfying?
So heavenly I'm feeling free
I never knew that life could be

Repeat 1

Angels whispering
A symphony so glad I hear
I saw that love keeps playing on and on
Like a melody deep inside of me
It speaks only to heart and soul
A mystery to behold
I'm happy and I'm sad
It's good it's bad
Ooh I wasn't ready for this

I surrender completely
It's draining; it's wearing
Falling in love
For this feeling that I'm feeling
Nothing prepared me
Falling in love
Of emotions deep inside me
It takes me on a journey
Falling in love
It knows how to inform me
It grabs me; it scares me
Falling in love

Relevant Tags:
FFalling IIn LLove alling n ove aFlling nI oLve calling jn kove cFalling jIn kLove Fcalling Ijn Lkove ralling 9n oove
rFalling 9In oLove Fralling I9n Loove galling ln pove gFalling lIn pLove Fgalling Iln Lpove talling on tFalling oIn Lve
Ftalling Ion Lvoe valling kn Lkve vFalling kIn Fvalling Ikn Lokve dalling 8n L9ve dFalling 8In L9ove Fdalling I8n Lo9ve
Faalling un L0ve Flling uIn L0ove Flaling Iun Lo0ve Fzlling Inn Llve Fzalling I Llove Fazlling In Lolve Fqlling Im Live
Fqalling Imn Liove Faqlling Inm Loive Fslling Ih Lovve Fsalling Ihn Loe Faslling Inh Loev Fwlling Ij Lobe Fwalling Lobve
Fawlling Inj Lovbe Fxlling Ib Loce Fxalling Ibn Locve Faxlling Inb Lovce Fallling Loge Faling Logve Falling Lovge
Fakling Lofe Faklling Lofve Falkling Lovfe Faoling Lovee Faolling Lov Faloling Love Fapling Lovs
Faplling Lovse Falpling Loves Lov3 Lov3e Falilng Love3 Falking Lovf

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