Inno A Satana

O mighty Lord of the Night. Master of beasts. Bringer of awe and derision. Thou
whose spirit lieth upon every act of oppression, hatred and strife. Thou whose
presence dwelth in every shadow. Thou who strengthen the power of every quietus.
Thou who sway every plague and storm. Harkee. Thou art the Emperor of Darkness.
Thou are the king of howling wolves. Thou hath the power to force any light in wane.
Sans mercy. Sans compassion nor will to answer whosever asketh the why. Thy path
is capricious but yet so wide. With no such thing as an impediment to strong. Every
time thou consecrate me to another secret of Thine. I take another step towards Thy
Pantheon. Forever wilt I bleed for Thee, Forever wilt I praise Thy dreaded name.
Forever wilt I serve Thee. Thou shalt forever prevail.

Mirror lyrics:

Forever wilt I serve Thee. Thou shalt forever prevail.
Pantheon. Forever wilt I bleed for Thee, Forever wilt I praise Thy dreaded name.
time thou consecrate me to another secret of Thine. I take another step towards Thy
is capricious but yet so wide. With no such thing as an impediment to strong. Every
Sans mercy. Sans compassion nor will to answer whosever asketh the why. Thy path
Thou are the king of howling wolves. Thou hath the power to force any light in wane.
Thou who sway every plague and storm. Harkee. Thou art the Emperor of Darkness.
presence dwelth in every shadow. Thou who strengthen the power of every quietus.
whose spirit lieth upon every act of oppression, hatred and strife. Thou whose
O mighty Lord of the Night. Master of beasts. Bringer of awe and derision. Thou

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IInno AA SSatana nno atana nIno A aStana jnno z zatana jInno zA zSatana Ijnno Az Szatana 9nno q watana 9Inno qA wSatana I9nno Aq Swatana
lnno s datana lInno sA dSatana Ilnno As Sdatana onno w eatana oInno wA eSatana Ionno Aw Seatana knno x xatana kInno xA xSatana Iknno Ax Sxatana
8nno aatana 8Inno aSatana I8nno Saatana unno uInno Stana Iunno Staana Innno Sztana Ino Inno Saztana
Imno Sqtana Imnno Sqatana Inmno Saqtana Ihno Sstana Ihnno Ssatana Inhno Sastana Ijno Swtana Injno Sawtana Ibno Sxtana
Ibnno Inbno Saxtana Sattana Saana Inon Saatna Inmo Safana Saftana Innmo Satfana Inho Sa5ana
Sa5tana Innho Sat5ana Injo Sahana Sahtana Innjo Sathana Inbo Sayana Saytana Innbo Satyana Innoo Sa6ana

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