Emmylou Harris
What Could Have Been Feat. Kathy Mattea

(Beth Nielsen Chapman)
Emmyloy Harris & Kathy Mattea

There was someone I used to love
A long, long time ago
He found someone before I had
The chance to let him know.

And every time I tried to get
My heart to close that door
I'd think about what could have been
And only love him more.

I told a friend how sad I was
The fate was so unfair
This prefect love that could have been
My heart would never share.

And not till summer came and went
Did her advice ring true?
When I found out my heart was meant
To fall in love with you.

We never know what could have been
But looking back we see
What could have been and never was
Was never meant to be.

--- Instrumental ---

I saw the one I used to love
When I went out today
I said hello, I met his wife
Then I was on my way.

It may be luck, it may be fate
It may be God's design
I only know it's no mistake
I'm yours and you are mine.

We never know what could have been?
But looking back we see
What could have been and never was
Was never meant to be...

Mirror lyrics:

Was never meant to be...
What could have been and never was
But looking back we see
We never know what could have been?

I'm yours and you are mine.
I only know it's no mistake
It may be God's design
It may be luck, it may be fate

Then I was on my way.
I said hello, I met his wife
When I went out today
I saw the one I used to love

--- Instrumental ---

Was never meant to be.
What could have been and never was
But looking back we see
We never know what could have been

To fall in love with you.
When I found out my heart was meant
Did her advice ring true?
And not till summer came and went

My heart would never share.
This prefect love that could have been
The fate was so unfair
I told a friend how sad I was

And only love him more.
I'd think about what could have been
My heart to close that door
And every time I tried to get

The chance to let him know.
He found someone before I had
A long, long time ago
There was someone I used to love

Emmyloy Harris & Kathy Mattea
(Beth Nielsen Chapman)

Relevant Tags:
WWhat CCould HHave BBeen FFeat. KKathy MMattea hat ould ave een eat. athy attea hWat oCuld aHve eBen eFat. aKthy aMttea
ahat fould jave veen ceat. lathy jattea aWhat fCould jHave vBeen cFeat. lKathy jMattea Wahat Cfould Hjave Bveen Fceat. Klathy Mjattea
3hat xould uave geen reat. oathy kattea 3What xCould uHave gBeen rFeat. oKathy kMattea W3hat Cxould Huave Bgeen Freat. Koathy Mkattea
dhat vould nave neen geat. mathy nattea dWhat vCould nHave nBeen gFeat. mKathy nMattea Wdhat Cvould Hnave Bneen Fgeat. Kmathy Mnattea
ehat dould bave heen teat. jathy Maattea eWhat dCould bHave hBeen tFeat. jKathy Mttea Wehat Cdould Hbave Bheen Fteat. Kjathy Mtatea
shat Coould gave Beeen veat. iathy Mzttea sWhat Culd gHave Ben vFeat. iKathy Mzattea Wshat Cuold Hgave Been Fveat. Kiathy Mazttea
2hat Ckuld yave Bsen deat. Kaathy Mqttea 2What Ckould yHave Bseen dFeat. Kthy Mqattea W2hat Cokuld Hyave Besen Fdeat. Ktahy Maqttea
qhat C9uld Haave B3en Feeat. Kzthy Msttea qWhat C9ould Hve B3een Fat. Kzathy Msattea Wqhat Co9uld Hvae Be3en Faet. Kazthy Masttea
Whhat C0uld Hzve Bfen Fsat. Kqthy Mwttea Wat C0ould Hzave Bfeen Fseat. Kqathy Mwattea Waht Co0uld Hazve Befen Fesat. Kaqthy Mawttea
Wjat Cluld Hqve Bren F3at. Ksthy Mxttea Wjhat Clould Hqave Breen F3eat. Ksathy Mxattea Whjat Coluld Haqve Beren Fe3at. Kasthy Maxttea
Wuat Ciuld Hsve B4en Ffat. Kwthy Matttea Wuhat Ciould Hsave B4een Ffeat. Kwathy Matea Whuat Coiuld Hasve Be4en Fefat. Kawthy Mattea
Wnat Couuld Hwve Bden Frat. Kxthy Maftea Wnhat Cold Hwave Bdeen Kxathy Mafttea Whnat Colud Hawve Beden Ferat. Kaxthy Matftea
Wbat Cohld Hxve Bwen F4at. Katthy Ma5tea Wbhat Cohuld Hxave Bween F4eat. Kahy Ma5ttea Whbat Couhld Haxve Bewen Fe4at. Kahty Mat5tea
Wgat Co7ld Havve Fdat. Kafhy Mahtea Wghat Co7uld Hae Kafthy Mahttea Whgat Cou7ld Haev Bene Fedat. Katfhy Mathtea
Wyat Cokld Habe Besn Fwat. Ka5hy Maytea Wyhat Habve Fweat. Ka5thy Mayttea Whyat Coukld Havbe Beesn Fewat. Kat5hy Matytea
Whaat Coild Hace Be3n Feaat. Kahhy Ma6tea Wht Hacve Fet. Kahthy Ma6ttea Whta Couild Havce Bee3n Feta. Kathhy Mat6tea
Whzt Co8ld Hage Befn Fezt. Kayhy Magtea Whzat Co8uld Hagve Fezat. Kaythy Magttea Whazt Cou8ld Havge Beefn Feazt. Katyhy Matgtea
Whqt Cojld Hafe Bern Feqt. Ka6hy Martea Whqat Cojuld Hafve Feqat. Ka6thy Marttea

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