Take Me Back

Seems I was sleeping for one thousand years
The wheel of time has turned into the age of tears
How long I am in there I cannot tell for sure
But the flower starts to fade she has to endure

Take me back from beyond the horizon
For a little while
Let me feel the idea of a sun dance
I will hold my head up high
Just before leaving
Like a raindrop in the sun
Could I believe that I am one

Was it a wonder or a present from above
How should know if I will ever laugh
But time is unyielding it's never standing still
To control the forces that are breaking down my will


[End Chorus]
Take me back from beyond the horizon
For a little while
Let me feel the idea of a sun dance
I will hold my head up high
Just before leaving
Like a raindrop in the sun
Could I believe that I am
Could I believe that I am gone

Mirror lyrics:

Could I believe that I am gone
Could I believe that I am
Like a raindrop in the sun
Just before leaving
I will hold my head up high
Let me feel the idea of a sun dance
For a little while
Take me back from beyond the horizon
[End Chorus]


To control the forces that are breaking down my will
But time is unyielding it's never standing still
How should know if I will ever laugh
Was it a wonder or a present from above

Could I believe that I am one
Like a raindrop in the sun
Just before leaving
I will hold my head up high
Let me feel the idea of a sun dance
For a little while
Take me back from beyond the horizon

But the flower starts to fade she has to endure
How long I am in there I cannot tell for sure
The wheel of time has turned into the age of tears
Seems I was sleeping for one thousand years

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMe BBack ake e ack aTke eM aBck fake je vack fTake jMe vBack Tfake Mje Bvack 5ake ke gack 5Take kMe gBack T5ake Mke Bgack
hake ne nack hTake nMe nBack Thake Mne Bnack yake Mee hack yTake M hBack Tyake Me Bhack 6ake Ms Baack 6Take Mse Bck T6ake Mes Bcak
gake M3 Bzck gTake M3e Bzack Tgake Me3 Bazck rake Mf Bqck rTake Mfe Bqack Trake Mef Baqck Taake Mr Bsck Tke Mre Bsack Tkae Mer Basck
Tzke M4 Bwck Tzake M4e Bwack Tazke Me4 Bawck Tqke Md Bxck Tqake Mde Bxack Taqke Med Baxck Tske Mw Bacck Tsake Mwe Bak Taske Mew Bakc
Twke Bafk Twake Bafck Tawke Bacfk Txke Baxk Txake Taxke Bacxk

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