Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse
Grim Augury (feat. Vic Chesnutt)

Both our families after gathering
We're cutting a baby out
With my grandmother's heirloom antler-handled carving knife
They were under her grand chandelier
Where we all, together, have shared holiday dinner
But it was your father that was holding the knife
Yeah, I begged you not to make me tell ya
Yeah, I pleaded with you to, to leave it alone
I told ya
I told you that you didn't want to know
What went on in my horrible dream
I was peering in through the picture window
It was a heart-warming tableau
Like a Norman Rockwell painting
Until I zoomed in
I was making noises in my sleep
But you wouldn't believe me when I told ya
That I wasn't with someone in my dream
Catfish were wriggling in blood and gore in the kitchen sink
Yeah, I told ya
I told ya
I told you
Now sweetie, please promise me
That you won't sing
This sad song, grim augury

Mirror lyrics:

This sad song, grim augury
That you won't sing
Now sweetie, please promise me
I told you
I told ya
Yeah, I told ya
Catfish were wriggling in blood and gore in the kitchen sink
That I wasn't with someone in my dream
But you wouldn't believe me when I told ya
I was making noises in my sleep
Until I zoomed in
Like a Norman Rockwell painting
It was a heart-warming tableau
I was peering in through the picture window
What went on in my horrible dream
I told you that you didn't want to know
I told ya
Yeah, I pleaded with you to, to leave it alone
Yeah, I begged you not to make me tell ya
But it was your father that was holding the knife
Where we all, together, have shared holiday dinner
They were under her grand chandelier
With my grandmother's heirloom antler-handled carving knife
We're cutting a baby out
Both our families after gathering

Relevant Tags:
GGrim AAugury ((feat. VVic CChesnutt) rim ugury feat. ic hesnutt) rGim uAgury f(eat. iVc hCesnutt) hrim zugury (ffeat. bic fhesnutt) hGrim zAugury (eat. bVic fChesnutt)
Ghrim Azugury (efat. Vbic Cfhesnutt) yrim qugury (ceat. cic xhesnutt) yGrim qAugury (cfeat. cVic xChesnutt) Gyrim Aqugury (fceat. Vcic Cxhesnutt) brim sugury (reat. gic vhesnutt)
bGrim sAugury (rfeat. gVic vChesnutt) Gbrim Asugury (freat. Vgic Cvhesnutt) vrim wugury (geat. fic dhesnutt) vGrim wAugury (gfeat. fVic dChesnutt) Gvrim Awugury (fgeat. Vfic Cdhesnutt)
frim xugury (teat. Viic Chhesnutt) fGrim xAugury (tfeat. Vc Cesnutt) Gfrim Axugury (fteat. Vci Cehsnutt) trim Auugury (veat. Vjc Cjesnutt) tGrim Agury (vfeat. Vjic Cjhesnutt)
Gtrim Aguury (fveat. Vijc Chjesnutt) Grrim Ahgury (deat. V9c Cuesnutt) Gim Ahugury (dfeat. V9ic Cuhesnutt) Girm Auhgury (fdeat. Vi9c Chuesnutt) Gdim A7gury (feeat. Vlc Cnesnutt)
Gdrim A7ugury (fat. Vlic Cnhesnutt) Grdim Au7gury (faet. Vilc Chnesnutt) G4im Akgury (fsat. Voc Cbesnutt) G4rim Akugury (fseat. Voic Cbhesnutt) Gr4im Aukgury (fesat. Vioc Chbesnutt)
Ggim Aigury (f3at. Vkc Cgesnutt) Ggrim Aiugury (f3eat. Vkic Cghesnutt) Grgim Auigury (fe3at. Vikc Chgesnutt) Gtim A8gury (ffat. V8c Cyesnutt) A8ugury V8ic Cyhesnutt)
Grtim Au8gury (fefat. Vi8c Chyesnutt) G5im Ajgury (frat. Vuc Cheesnutt) G5rim Ajugury Vuic Chsnutt) Gr5im Aujgury (ferat. Viuc Chsenutt) Gfim Aygury (f4at. Vicc Chssnutt)
Ayugury (f4eat. Vi Chsesnutt) Grfim Auygury (fe4at. Vic Chessnutt) Geim Auggury (fdat. Vif Ch3snutt) Gerim Auury Vifc Ch3esnutt) Greim Auugry (fedat. Vicf Che3snutt)
Griim Auhury (fwat. Vix Chfsnutt) Grm (fweat. Vixc Chfesnutt) Grmi Aughury (fewat. Vicx Chefsnutt) Grjm Auyury (feaat. Viv Chrsnutt) Grjim (fet. Vivc Chresnutt)
Grijm Augyury (feta. Vicv Chersnutt) Gr9m Aubury (fezt. Vid Ch4snutt) Gr9im Aubgury (fezat. Vidc Ch4esnutt) Gri9m Augbury (feazt. Vicd Che4snutt) Grlm Auvury (feqt. Chdsnutt)
Grlim Auvgury (feqat. Chdesnutt) Grilm Augvury (feaqt. Chedsnutt) Grom Aufury (fest. Chwsnutt) Groim Aufgury Chwesnutt) Griom Augfury (feast. Chewsnutt)
Grkm Autury (fewt. Grkim Autgury Chenutt) Grikm Augtury (feawt. Chensutt) Gr8m Auguury (fext. Cheznutt) Gr8im Augry (fexat. Chezsnutt)
Gri8m Augruy (feaxt. Chesznutt) Grum Aughry (featt. Chewnutt) Gruim (fea. Grium Auguhry (fea.t Cheswnutt) Grimm Aug7ry (feaf. Chednutt)
Gri Aug7ury (feaft. Grim Augu7ry (featf. Chesdnutt) Grij Augkry (fea5. Cheenutt) Augkury (fea5t. Grimj Augukry (feat5. Chesenutt)
Grik Augiry (feah. Chexnutt) Augiury (feaht. Chexsnutt)

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