Dandy Warhols
Grunge Betty

Hey! Hey, well I rise today
I can't seem to find what I want you for
I open my eyes and I wake on the floor
You open the door, awake on the floor
Can't seem to find what I want you for
Cause lately, Baby, Oh yeah I'm wasting
Tons of time. Tons of time
Tons of time
Hey! Hey, well I rise today
I can't seem to find what I want you for
I open my eyes and I wake on the floor
You open the door, awake on the floor
Cause lately, Baby, Oh yeah I'm wasting
Tons of time. Tons of time. Tons of time
Two three four!
Tons of time. Tons of time. Tons of time
Tons of time. Tons of time
Tons of time. Tons of time

Mirror lyrics:

Tons of time. Tons of time
Tons of time. Tons of time
Tons of time. Tons of time. Tons of time
Two three four!
Tons of time. Tons of time. Tons of time
Cause lately, Baby, Oh yeah I'm wasting
You open the door, awake on the floor
I open my eyes and I wake on the floor
I can't seem to find what I want you for
Hey! Hey, well I rise today
Tons of time
Tons of time. Tons of time
Cause lately, Baby, Oh yeah I'm wasting
Can't seem to find what I want you for
You open the door, awake on the floor
I open my eyes and I wake on the floor
I can't seem to find what I want you for
Hey! Hey, well I rise today

Relevant Tags:
GGrunge BBetty runge etty rGunge eBtty hrunge vetty hGrunge vBetty Ghrunge Bvetty yrunge getty yGrunge gBetty Gyrunge Bgetty
brunge netty bGrunge nBetty Gbrunge Bnetty vrunge hetty vGrunge hBetty Gvrunge Bhetty frunge Beetty fGrunge Btty Gfrunge Btety
trunge Bstty tGrunge Bsetty Gtrunge Bestty Grrunge B3tty Gunge B3etty Gurnge Be3tty Gdunge Bftty Gdrunge Bfetty Grdunge Beftty
G4unge Brtty G4runge Bretty Gr4unge Bertty Ggunge B4tty Ggrunge B4etty Grgunge Be4tty Gtunge Bdtty Bdetty Grtunge Bedtty
G5unge Bwtty G5runge Bwetty Gr5unge Bewtty Gfunge Bettty Bety Grfunge Betty Geunge Befty Gerunge Greunge Betfty
Gruunge Be5ty Grnge Be5tty Grnuge Bet5ty Grhnge Behty Grhunge Behtty Gruhnge Bethty Gr7nge Beyty Gr7unge Beytty Gru7nge Betyty
Grknge Be6ty Grkunge Be6tty Gruknge Bet6ty Gringe Begty Griunge Begtty Gruinge Betgty Gr8nge Berty

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