Cliff Richard
Share A Dream

Share a dream

Hey when you're feeling low
When the blues refuse to let you go
Just reach out for my hand
I can understand
Come share a dream with me

Hey love will found a way
It doesn't matter what the people say
Don't try to hide the way you really feel
Time can only heal
Come share a dream with me

We could rise above all the tears
All the doubts and the fears
We can make a stand here and now
Higher love
Got to learn to trust in a friend
For a peace without end
Oh come share a dream with me

Hey children of the world
Is the dream we're dreaming so absurd
Sweet reason's just a friendly smile away
'Cos love is here to stay
Come share a dream with me

We could rise above all the tears
All the doubts and the fears
We can make a stand here and now
Higher love
Got to learn to trust in a friend
For a peace without end
Oh come share a dream with me

We could build castle so tall
Oh the thrill of it all
Won't you find a place in your heart

We could rise above all the tears
All the doubts and the fears
We can make a stand here and now
Higher love
Got to learn to trust in a friend
For a peace without end
Oh come share a dream with me

Mirror lyrics:

Oh come share a dream with me
For a peace without end
Got to learn to trust in a friend
Higher love
We can make a stand here and now
All the doubts and the fears
We could rise above all the tears

Won't you find a place in your heart
Oh the thrill of it all
We could build castle so tall

Oh come share a dream with me
For a peace without end
Got to learn to trust in a friend
Higher love
We can make a stand here and now
All the doubts and the fears
We could rise above all the tears

Come share a dream with me
'Cos love is here to stay
Sweet reason's just a friendly smile away
Is the dream we're dreaming so absurd
Hey children of the world

Oh come share a dream with me
For a peace without end
Got to learn to trust in a friend
Higher love
We can make a stand here and now
All the doubts and the fears
We could rise above all the tears

Come share a dream with me
Time can only heal
Don't try to hide the way you really feel
It doesn't matter what the people say
Hey love will found a way

Come share a dream with me
I can understand
Just reach out for my hand
When the blues refuse to let you go
Hey when you're feeling low

Share a dream

Relevant Tags:
SShare AA DDream hare ream hSare A rDeam zhare z xream zShare zA xDream Szhare Az Dxream whare q eream wShare qA eDream Swhare Aq Deream
dhare s fream dShare sA fDream Sdhare As Dfream ehare w rream eShare wA rDream Sehare Aw Drream xhare x cream xShare xA cDream Sxhare Ax Dcream
ahare sream aShare sDream Sahare Dsream Shhare Sare Deam Sahre Deram Sjare Ddeam Sjhare Ddream Shjare Drdeam
Suare D4eam Suhare D4ream Shuare Dr4eam Snare Dgeam Snhare Dgream Shnare Drgeam Sbare Dteam Sbhare Dtream Shbare Drteam
Sgare D5eam Sghare D5ream Shgare Dr5eam Syare Dfeam Syhare Shyare Drfeam Shaare Deeam Shre Shrae Dreeam
Shzre Shzare Dram Shazre Draem Shqre Drsam Shqare Drseam Shaqre Dresam Shsre Dr3am

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