Clifford Ward
Jesus Of Long Ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

He loves us you know.

To Bethlehem came three wise men

With gold and frankincense and myrrh

The journeyed far, by guiding star

To find the King of all the world.

In a manger he was born

In a manger he was born.

Shepherds in the fields nearby

Saw the Angels in the sky

And they all came down to welcome Him

On that night in Bethlehem.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

He loves us you know.

In Galilee He grew to be

Healer of the sick and blind

He spoke of love in Heaven above

And people came from miles to find

Jesus Christ the son of God

Jesus Christ the son of God.

He was a man who could be strong

Doer of good and righter of wrong

And he was gentle, kind and true

All the things that we could be too.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

He loves us you know.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

He loves us you know.

(Repeat and fade).

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat and fade).

He loves us you know.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

He loves us you know.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

All the things that we could be too.

And he was gentle, kind and true

Doer of good and righter of wrong

He was a man who could be strong

Jesus Christ the son of God.

Jesus Christ the son of God

And people came from miles to find

He spoke of love in Heaven above

Healer of the sick and blind

In Galilee He grew to be

He loves us you know.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

On that night in Bethlehem.

And they all came down to welcome Him

Saw the Angels in the sky

Shepherds in the fields nearby

In a manger he was born.

In a manger he was born

To find the King of all the world.

The journeyed far, by guiding star

With gold and frankincense and myrrh

To Bethlehem came three wise men

He loves us you know.

Sing us a song about Jesus

Jesus of long ago

Sing us a song about Jesus

Relevant Tags:
JJesus OOf LLong AAgo esus f ong go eJsus fO oLng gAo kesus kf kong zgo kJesus kOf kLong zAgo Jkesus Okf Lkong Azgo
iesus 9f oong qgo iJesus 9Of oLong qAgo Jiesus O9f Loong Aqgo mesus 0f pong sgo mJesus 0Of pLong sAgo Jmesus O0f Lpong Asgo
nesus lf wgo nJesus lOf Lng wAgo Jnesus Olf Lnog Awgo hesus if Lkng xgo hJesus iOf xAgo Jhesus Oif Lokng Axgo
uesus Off L9ng Aggo uJesus O L9ong Ao Juesus Of Lo9ng Aog Jeesus Oc L0ng Aho Jsus Ocf L0ong Ahgo Jseus Ofc Lo0ng Agho
Jssus Or Llng Ayo Jsesus Orf Llong Aygo Jessus Ofr Lolng Agyo J3sus Og Ling Abo J3esus Ogf Liong Abgo Je3sus Ofg Loing Agbo
Jfsus Ot Lonng Avo Jfesus Otf Log Avgo Jefsus Oft Logn Agvo Jrsus Ov Lomg Afo Jresus Ovf Lomng Afgo Jersus Ofv Lonmg Agfo
J4sus Od Lohg Ato J4esus Odf Lohng Atgo Je4sus Ofd Lonhg Agto Jdsus Lojg Agoo Jdesus Lojng Ag Jedsus Lonjg Ago
Jwsus Lobg Agk Jwesus Lobng Agko Jewsus Lonbg Agok Longg Ag9 Jeus Lon Ag9o Jeuss Long Ago9
Jezus Lonh Ag0 Jezsus Ag0o Jeszus Longh Ago0 Jewus Lony Agl Lonyg Aglo Jeswus Longy Agol

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