Daniel O'donnell
Limerick You're A Lady

Limerick you're a lady
Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow
The beauty that surrounds you
I'll take it with me love where e'er I go.

While waking in the arms of distant waters
A new day finds me far away from home
And Limerick you're my lady
The one true love that I have ever known.

As children you and I spent endless days of fun
In winter's snow or summer's golden sun
We fished in silver streams, the fabric of my dreams
Was fashioned by your loveliness and so I have to say.

Limerick you're a lady
Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow
The beauty that surrounds you
I'll take it with me love where e'er I go.

While waking in the arms of distant waters
A new day finds me far away from home
And Limerick you're my lady
The one true love that I have ever known.

The difference time has made, for travellers on their way
Seeking out the beauty of my land
At shrines the children play, and bells ring out to say
Thank God we're living just to feel the freedom of each day.

Limerick you're a lady
Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow
The beauty that surrounds you
I'll take it with me love where e'er I go.

While waking in the arms of distant waters
A new day finds me far away from home
And Limerick you're my lady
The one true love that I have ever known.

While waking in the arms of distant waters
A new day finds me far away from home
And Limerick you're my lady
The one true love that I have ever known.

The one true love that I have ever known...

Mirror lyrics:

The one true love that I have ever known...

The one true love that I have ever known.
And Limerick you're my lady
A new day finds me far away from home
While waking in the arms of distant waters

The one true love that I have ever known.
And Limerick you're my lady
A new day finds me far away from home
While waking in the arms of distant waters

I'll take it with me love where e'er I go.
The beauty that surrounds you
Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow
Limerick you're a lady

Thank God we're living just to feel the freedom of each day.
At shrines the children play, and bells ring out to say
Seeking out the beauty of my land
The difference time has made, for travellers on their way

The one true love that I have ever known.
And Limerick you're my lady
A new day finds me far away from home
While waking in the arms of distant waters

I'll take it with me love where e'er I go.
The beauty that surrounds you
Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow
Limerick you're a lady

Was fashioned by your loveliness and so I have to say.
We fished in silver streams, the fabric of my dreams
In winter's snow or summer's golden sun
As children you and I spent endless days of fun

The one true love that I have ever known.
And Limerick you're my lady
A new day finds me far away from home
While waking in the arms of distant waters

I'll take it with me love where e'er I go.
The beauty that surrounds you
Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow
Limerick you're a lady

Relevant Tags:
LLimerick YYou're AA LLady imerick ou're ady iLmerick oYu're A aLdy kimerick gou're z kady kLimerick gYou're zA kLady Lkimerick Ygou're Az Lkady
oimerick hou're q oady oLimerick hYou're qA oLady Loimerick Yhou're Aq Loady pimerick 6ou're s pady pLimerick 6You're sA pLady Lpimerick Y6ou're As Lpady
Liimerick uou're w Laady Lmerick uYou're wA Ldy Lmierick Yuou're Aw Lday Ljmerick 7ou're x Lzdy Ljimerick 7You're xA Lzady Lijmerick Y7ou're Ax Lazdy
L9merick jou're Lqdy L9imerick jYou're Lqady Li9merick Yjou're Laqdy Llmerick tou're Lsdy Llimerick tYou're Lsady Lilmerick Ytou're Lasdy
Lomerick Yoou're Lwdy Yu're Lwady Liomerick Yuo're Lawdy Lkmerick Yku're Lxdy Ykou're Lxady Likmerick Yoku're Laxdy
L8merick Y9u're Laddy L8imerick Y9ou're Lay Li8merick Yo9u're Layd Lumerick Y0u're Laxy Luimerick Y0ou're Liumerick Yo0u're Ladxy
Limmerick Ylu're Laey Lierick Ylou're Laedy Liemrick Yolu're Ladey Lijerick Yiu're Lafy Yiou're Lafdy Limjerick Yoiu're Ladfy
Likerick Youu're Lary Yo're Lardy Limkerick Yo'ure Ladry Linerick Yoh're Lacy Linmerick Yohu're Lacdy Limnerick Youh're Ladcy
Limeerick Yo7're Lasy Limrick Yo7u're Limreick You7're Ladsy Limsrick Yok're Ladyy Limserick Lad Limesrick Youk're Lady
Lim3rick Yoi're Ladg Lim3erick Ladgy Lime3rick Youi're Ladyg Limfrick Yo8're Ladh Limferick Yo8u're Ladhy Limefrick You8're Ladyh
Limrrick Yoj're Lad6 Limrerick Yoju're Lad6y Limerrick Youj're Lady6 Lim4rick Yoy're Ladu Lim4erick Yoyu're Laduy Lime4rick Youy're Ladyu
Limdrick You''re Lad7 Limderick Youre Lad7y Limedrick Your'e Lady7 Limwrick You'rre Ladj Limwerick You'e Ladjy Limewrick You'er Ladyj

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