Daniel O'donnell
I Wouldn't Change You If I Could

(Jim Eanes)

I wouldn't change a single thing about you if I could
The way you are just suits me too a tee
A princess in a storybook, a king upon his throne
That's what we are and you belong too me.

I wouldn't change you if I could I love you as you are
You're all that I would wish for if I wished upon a star
An angel sent from heaven you're everything that's good
You're perfect just the way you are I wouldn't change you if I could.

--- Instrumental ---

Your eyes, your lips, your tender smile andI'd leave them as they are
And come what may I'd never change a thing
And if I were a potter and you a piece of clay
The only thing I'd change would be your name.

I wouldn't change you if I could I love you as you are
You're all that I would wish for if I wished upon a star
An angel sent from heaven you're everything that's good
You're perfect just the way you are I wouldn't change you if I could...

Mirror lyrics:

You're perfect just the way you are I wouldn't change you if I could...
An angel sent from heaven you're everything that's good
You're all that I would wish for if I wished upon a star
I wouldn't change you if I could I love you as you are

The only thing I'd change would be your name.
And if I were a potter and you a piece of clay
And come what may I'd never change a thing
Your eyes, your lips, your tender smile andI'd leave them as they are

--- Instrumental ---

You're perfect just the way you are I wouldn't change you if I could.
An angel sent from heaven you're everything that's good
You're all that I would wish for if I wished upon a star
I wouldn't change you if I could I love you as you are

That's what we are and you belong too me.
A princess in a storybook, a king upon his throne
The way you are just suits me too a tee
I wouldn't change a single thing about you if I could

(Jim Eanes)

Relevant Tags:
II WWouldn't CChange YYou IIf II CCould ouldn't hange ou f ould I oWuldn't hCange oYu fI I oCuld j aouldn't fhange gou jf j fould jI aWouldn't fChange gYou jIf jI fCould
Ij Waouldn't Cfhange Ygou Ijf Ij Cfould 9 3ouldn't xhange hou 9f 9 xould 9I 3Wouldn't xChange hYou 9If 9I xCould I9 W3ouldn't Cxhange Yhou I9f I9 Cxould l douldn't vhange 6ou lf l vould
lI dWouldn't vChange 6You lIf lI vCould Il Wdouldn't Cvhange Y6ou Ilf Il Cvould o eouldn't dhange uou of o dould oI eWouldn't dChange uYou oIf oI dCould Io Weouldn't Cdhange Yuou Iof Io Cdould
k souldn't Chhange 7ou kf k Coould kI sWouldn't Cange 7You kIf kI Culd Ik Wsouldn't Cahnge Y7ou Ikf Ik Cuold 8 2ouldn't Cjange jou 8f 8 Ckuld 8I 2Wouldn't Cjhange jYou 8If 8I Ckould
I8 W2ouldn't Chjange Yjou I8f I8 Cokuld u qouldn't Cuange tou uf u C9uld uI qWouldn't Cuhange tYou uIf uI C9ould Iu Wqouldn't Chuange Ytou Iuf Iu Co9uld Woouldn't Cnange Yoou Iff C0uld
Wuldn't Cnhange Yu I C0ould Wuoldn't Chnange Yuo If Co0uld Wkuldn't Cbange Yku Ic Cluld Wkouldn't Cbhange Ykou Icf Clould Wokuldn't Chbange Yoku Ifc Coluld
W9uldn't Cgange Y9u Ir Ciuld W9ouldn't Cghange Y9ou Irf Ciould Wo9uldn't Chgange Yo9u Ifr Coiuld W0uldn't Cyange Y0u Ig Couuld W0ouldn't Cyhange Y0ou Igf Cold
Wo0uldn't Chyange Yo0u Ifg Colud Wluldn't Chaange Ylu It Cohld Wlouldn't Chnge Ylou Itf Cohuld Woluldn't Chnage Yolu Ift Couhld Wiuldn't Chznge Yiu Iv Co7ld
Wiouldn't Chzange Yiou Ivf Co7uld Woiuldn't Chaznge Yoiu Ifv Cou7ld Wouuldn't Chqnge Youu Id Cokld Woldn't Chqange Yo Idf Woludn't Chaqnge You Ifd Coukld
Wohldn't Chsnge Yoh Coild Wohuldn't Chsange Yohu Wouhldn't Chasnge Youh Couild Wo7ldn't Chwnge Yo7 Co8ld Wo7uldn't Chwange Yo7u Co8uld
Wou7ldn't Chawnge You7 Cou8ld Wokldn't Chxnge Yok Cojld Chxange Cojuld Woukldn't Chaxnge Youk Coujld Woildn't Channge Yoi Coyld
Chage Coyuld Wouildn't Chagne Youi Couyld Wo8ldn't Chamge Yo8 Coulld Wo8uldn't Chamnge Yo8u Coud Wou8ldn't Chanmge You8 Coudl
Wojldn't Chahge Yoj Coukd Wojuldn't Chahnge Yoju Woujldn't Chanhge Youj Coulkd Woyldn't Chajge Yoy Couod Woyuldn't Chajnge Yoyu Couold
Wouyldn't Chanjge Youy Coulod Woulldn't Chabge Coupd Woudn't Chabnge Coupld Woudln't Chanbge Coulpd

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