Daniel O'donnell
Just Walking In The Rain

(Billy Riley - J. Bragg)

(Just walking in the rain
So lonely and blue.)

Just walking in the rain
Getting soaking wet
Torturing my heart
By trying to forget.

Just walking in the rain
So alone and blue
All because my heart
Still remembers you.

People come to windows
They all stare at me
They shake their heads in sorrow
Saying, who can this fool be?

Just walking in the rain
Thinking how we met
Knowing things have changed
Somehow I can't forget.

--- Instrumental ---

People come to windows
They all stare at me
They shake their heads in sorrow
Saying, who can this fool be?

Just walking in the rain
Thinking how we met
Knowing things have changed
Somehow I can't forget.

(Just walking in the rain...)

Mirror lyrics:

(Just walking in the rain...)

Somehow I can't forget.
Knowing things have changed
Thinking how we met
Just walking in the rain

Saying, who can this fool be?
They shake their heads in sorrow
They all stare at me
People come to windows

--- Instrumental ---

Somehow I can't forget.
Knowing things have changed
Thinking how we met
Just walking in the rain

Saying, who can this fool be?
They shake their heads in sorrow
They all stare at me
People come to windows

Still remembers you.
All because my heart
So alone and blue
Just walking in the rain

By trying to forget.
Torturing my heart
Getting soaking wet
Just walking in the rain

So lonely and blue.)
(Just walking in the rain

(Billy Riley - J. Bragg)

Relevant Tags:
JJust WWalking IIn TThe RRain ust alking n he ain uJst aWlking nI hTe aRin kust aalking jn fhe dain kJust aWalking jIn fThe dRain Jkust Waalking Ijn Tfhe Rdain
iust 3alking 9n 5he 4ain iJust 3Walking 9In 5The 4Rain Jiust W3alking I9n T5he R4ain must dalking ln hhe gain mJust dWalking lIn hThe gRain Jmust Wdalking Iln Thhe Rgain
nust ealking on yhe tain nJust eWalking oIn yThe tRain Jnust Wealking Ion Tyhe Rtain hust salking kn 6he 5ain hJust sWalking kIn 6The 5Rain Jhust Wsalking Ikn T6he R5ain
uust 2alking 8n ghe fain uJust 2Walking 8In gThe fRain Juust W2alking I8n Tghe Rfain qalking un rhe eain Jst qWalking uIn rThe eRain Jsut Wqalking Iun Trhe Reain
Jhst Inn Raain Wlking I Te Rin Juhst Wlaking In Teh Rian J7st Wzlking Im Tje Rzin J7ust Wzalking Imn Tjhe Rzain Ju7st Wazlking Inm Thje Razin
Jkst Wqlking Ih Tue Rqin Ihn Tuhe Rqain Jukst Waqlking Inh Thue Raqin Jist Wslking Ij Tne Rsin Tnhe Rsain Juist Waslking Inj Thne Rasin
J8st Wwlking Ib Tbe Rwin J8ust Wwalking Ibn Tbhe Rwain Ju8st Wawlking Inb Thbe Rawin Jjst Wxlking Tge Rxin Jjust Wxalking Rxain Jujst Waxlking Thge Raxin
Jyst Wallking Tye Raiin Jyust Waking Ran Juyst Wakling Thye Rani Jusst Wakking Thee Rajn Jut Waklking Th Rajin Juts Walkking The Raijn
Juzt Waoking Ths Ra9n Juzst Waolking Thse Ra9in Juszt Waloking Thes Rai9n Juwt Wapking Th3 Raln Juwst Waplking Th3e Ralin Juswt Walpking The3 Railn
Judt Thf Raon Judst Waling Thfe Raoin Jusdt Walikng Thef Raion Juet Walling Thr Rakn Juest Thre Rakin

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