Daniel O'donnell
Galway Bay

If you ever go across the sea to Ireland
Then maybe at the closing of your day
You will sit and watch the moon rise over Claddagh
And see the sun go down on Galway Bay.

Just to hear again the ripple of the trout stream
The women in the meadows making hay
Or to sit beside a turf fire in the cabin
And watch the barefoot gossoons at their play.

For the breezes blowing o'er the seas from Ireland
Are perfum'd by the heather as they blow
And the women in the uplands diggin' praties
Speak a language that the strangers do not know.

Oh, the strangers came and tried to teach their way
They scorn'd us just for being what we are
But they might as well go chasing after moon beams
Or light a penny candle from a star.

And if there's going to be a life hereafter
That somehow I feel sure there's going to be
I will ask my God to let me make my heaven
In that dear land across the Irish sea.

I will ask my God to let me make my heaven
In that dear land across the Irish sea...

Mirror lyrics:

In that dear land across the Irish sea...
I will ask my God to let me make my heaven

In that dear land across the Irish sea.
I will ask my God to let me make my heaven
That somehow I feel sure there's going to be
And if there's going to be a life hereafter

Or light a penny candle from a star.
But they might as well go chasing after moon beams
They scorn'd us just for being what we are
Oh, the strangers came and tried to teach their way

Speak a language that the strangers do not know.
And the women in the uplands diggin' praties
Are perfum'd by the heather as they blow
For the breezes blowing o'er the seas from Ireland

And watch the barefoot gossoons at their play.
Or to sit beside a turf fire in the cabin
The women in the meadows making hay
Just to hear again the ripple of the trout stream

And see the sun go down on Galway Bay.
You will sit and watch the moon rise over Claddagh
Then maybe at the closing of your day
If you ever go across the sea to Ireland

Relevant Tags:
GGalway BBay alway ay aGlway aBy halway vay hGalway vBay Ghalway Bvay yalway gay yGalway gBay Gyalway Bgay balway nay bGalway nBay
Gbalway Bnay valway hay vGalway hBay Gvalway Bhay falway Baay fGalway By Gfalway Bya talway Bzy tGalway Bzay Gtalway Bazy Gaalway Bqy
Glway Bqay Glaway Baqy Gzlway Bsy Gzalway Bsay Gazlway Basy Gqlway Bwy Gqalway Bway Gaqlway Bawy Gslway Bxy Gsalway Bxay Gaslway Baxy
Gwlway Bayy Gwalway Ba Gawlway Bay Gxlway Bag Gxalway Bagy Gaxlway Bayg Gallway Bah Gaway Bahy Gawlay Bayh Gakway Ba6 Gaklway Ba6y
Galkway Bay6 Gaoway Bau Gaolway Bauy Galoway Bayu Gapway Ba7 Gaplway Ba7y Galpway Bay7 Galwway Baj Galay Bajy Galawy Bayj Galaay Bat
Galaway Baty Galwaay Bayt

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