Dan Fogelberg
As The Raven Flies

I see the raven's made
Her nest in your eyes
She's got you thinking that
Her love is a prize
And you'll go under from
The weight of her lies
As the raven flies
As the raven flies

She'll bring you stories
That just never sound true
She'll bring you secrets
That were never meant for you.
And just as you come round
She'll send you back through
She's in love with you
She's in love with you

Darker, darker
Don't let her talk her way
Into you
Lonely, lonely.
You know she's only
No good for you.

I see the raven's made
Her nest in your eyes
She's got you thinking that
Her love is a prize
And you'll go under from
The weight of her lies
As the raven flies
As the raven flies
As the raven flies
As the raven flies

Mirror lyrics:

As the raven flies
As the raven flies
As the raven flies
As the raven flies
The weight of her lies
And you'll go under from
Her love is a prize
She's got you thinking that
Her nest in your eyes
I see the raven's made

No good for you.
You know she's only
Lonely, lonely.
Into you
Don't let her talk her way
Darker, darker

She's in love with you
She's in love with you
She'll send you back through
And just as you come round
That were never meant for you.
She'll bring you secrets
That just never sound true
She'll bring you stories

As the raven flies
As the raven flies
The weight of her lies
And you'll go under from
Her love is a prize
She's got you thinking that
Her nest in your eyes
I see the raven's made

Relevant Tags:
AAs TThe RRaven FFlies s he aven lies sA hTe aRven lFies zs fhe daven clies zAs fThe dRaven cFlies Azs Tfhe Rdaven Fclies
qs 5he 4aven rlies qAs 5The 4Raven rFlies Aqs T5he R4aven Frlies ss hhe gaven glies sAs hThe gRaven gFlies Ass Thhe Rgaven Fglies
ws yhe taven tlies wAs yThe tRaven tFlies Aws Tyhe Rtaven Ftlies xs 6he 5aven vlies xAs 6The 5Raven vFlies Axs T6he R5aven Fvlies
ghe faven dlies A gThe fRaven dFlies As Tghe Rfaven Fdlies Az rhe eaven Fllies rThe eRaven Fies Asz Trhe Reaven Files
Aw Raaven Fkies Te Rven Fklies Asw Teh Rvaen Flkies Ad Tje Rzven Foies Ads Tjhe Rzaven Folies Asd Thje Razven Floies
Ae Tue Rqven Fpies Aes Tuhe Rqaven Fplies Ase Thue Raqven Flpies Ax Tne Rsven Fliies Tnhe Rsaven Fles Asx Thne Rasven Fleis
Aa Tbe Rwven Fljes Aas Tbhe Rwaven Fljies Asa Thbe Rawven Flijes Tge Rxven Fl9es Rxaven Fl9ies Thge Raxven Fli9es
Tye Ravven Flles Raen Thye Raevn Fliles Thee Raben Floes Th Rabven The Ravben Flioes

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