Damn Yankees
Heart (reprise)


You've gotta have heart

All you really need is heart

When the odds are sayin' you'll never win

That's when the grin should start


When your luck is battin' zero


Get your chin up off the floor


Mister you can be a hero


You can open any door, there's nothin' to it but to do it


You've gotta have heart

Miles 'n miles n' miles of heart

Oh, it's fine to be a genius of course

But keep that old horse before the cart


So when the bases are loaded


The count is three and two


You'll hit a homer, Joe, we can depend on you


You're a hero 'cause, you've got heart

You've got heart-

You've got heart-

Mirror lyrics:

You've got heart-

You've got heart-

You're a hero 'cause, you've got heart


You'll hit a homer, Joe, we can depend on you


The count is three and two


So when the bases are loaded


But keep that old horse before the cart

Oh, it's fine to be a genius of course

Miles 'n miles n' miles of heart

You've gotta have heart


You can open any door, there's nothin' to it but to do it


Mister you can be a hero


Get your chin up off the floor


When your luck is battin' zero


That's when the grin should start

When the odds are sayin' you'll never win

All you really need is heart

You've gotta have heart


Relevant Tags:
HHeart ((reprise) eart reprise) eHart r(eprise) jeart (rreprise) jHeart (eprise) Hjeart (erprise) ueart (deprise)
uHeart (dreprise) Hueart (rdeprise) neart (4eprise) nHeart (4reprise) Hneart (r4eprise) beart (geprise) bHeart (greprise)
Hbeart (rgeprise) geart (teprise) gHeart (treprise) Hgeart (rteprise) yeart (5eprise) yHeart (5reprise) Hyeart (r5eprise)
Heeart (feprise) Hart (freprise) Haert (rfeprise) Hsart (eeprise) Hseart (ereprise) Hesart (reeprise) H3art
H3eart (rprise) He3art (rperise) Hfart (rsprise) Hfeart (rseprise) Hefart (resprise) Hrart (r3prise) Hreart (r3eprise)
Herart (re3prise) H4art (rfprise) H4eart He4art (refprise) Hdart (rrprise) Hdeart Hedart (rerprise)
Hwart (r4prise) Hweart Hewart (re4prise) Heaart (rdprise) Hert Herat (redprise) Hezrt (rwprise)
Hezart (rweprise) Heazrt (rewprise) Heqrt (repprise) Heqart (rerise) Heaqrt (rerpise) Hesrt (re0rise) (re0prise)
Heasrt (rep0rise) Hewrt (relrise) (relprise) Heawrt (replrise) Hexrt (reorise) Hexart (reoprise) Heaxrt (reporise)
Hearrt (reprrise) Heat (repise) Heatr (repirse) Headt (repdise) Headrt (repdrise) Heardt (reprdise) Hea4t (rep4ise)
Hea4rt (rep4rise) Hear4t (repr4ise) Heagt (repgise) Heagrt (repgrise) Heargt (reprgise)

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