Is It A Dream

Stand in a line like a parking meter
Am I all alone (he's all alone)
A vision of mine is becoming clear
Its all so new it can't be true
Sometimes the words appear in my head
Sometimes I'm falling out of my bed

Oh, is it a dream
What does it mean
Oh is it a dream
What have I seen

I know a man he's really awful nice
He isn't here
We whiled away an evening maybe two
But what did that man really do
Sometimes I feel like walking away
Sometimes there's something I've got to say

Oh, is it a dream
What does it mean
Oh is it a dream
What have I seen

Then suddenly
Like a fly in a cup of tea
I'm stirred and no longer free
To fly away
I think back to the other life
That was borrowed the other night
Could It be that it just might
Drive me wild

Oh is it a dream
Oh is it a dream
Oh is it a dream
Oh is it a dream

Am I dreaming?

Mirror lyrics:

Am I dreaming?

Oh is it a dream
Oh is it a dream
Oh is it a dream
Oh is it a dream

Drive me wild
Could It be that it just might
That was borrowed the other night
I think back to the other life
To fly away
I'm stirred and no longer free
Like a fly in a cup of tea
Then suddenly

What have I seen
Oh is it a dream
What does it mean
Oh, is it a dream

Sometimes there's something I've got to say
Sometimes I feel like walking away
But what did that man really do
We whiled away an evening maybe two
He isn't here
I know a man he's really awful nice

What have I seen
Oh is it a dream
What does it mean
Oh, is it a dream

Sometimes I'm falling out of my bed
Sometimes the words appear in my head
Its all so new it can't be true
A vision of mine is becoming clear
Am I all alone (he's all alone)
Stand in a line like a parking meter

Relevant Tags:
IIs IIt AA DDream s t ream sI tI A rDeam js jt z xream jIs jIt zA xDream Ijs Ijt Az Dxream 9s 9t q eream 9Is 9It qA eDream I9s I9t Aq Deream
ls lt s fream lIs lIt sA fDream Ils Ilt As Dfream os ot w rream oIs oIt wA rDream Ios Iot Aw Drream ks kt x cream kIs kIt xA cDream Iks Ikt Ax Dcream
8s 8t sream 8Is 8It sDream I8s I8t Dsream us ut uIs uIt Deam Ius Iut Deram Iss Itt Ddeam I I Ddream Is It Drdeam
Iz If D4eam Izs Ift D4ream Isz Itf Dr4eam Iw I5 Dgeam Iws I5t Dgream Isw It5 Drgeam Id Ih Dteam Ids Iht Dtream Isd Ith Drteam
Ie Iy D5eam Ies Iyt D5ream Ise Ity Dr5eam Ix I6 Dfeam Ixs I6t Isx It6 Drfeam Ia Ig Deeam Ias Igt Isa Itg Dreeam

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