Danielle Peck
Only The Lonely Talkin'

Your baby blues
Looking at me tonight
In a brand new light
What a surprise
Was a time when I would have given anything
For you to look at me this way
But as your friend I've got to say
Maybe we should wait
When you say you're over her
I want to believe it
But we both know it's

Only the lonley talkin'
Me to keep on holding you this way
You know i want to
But I've got to be sure
It's not only the lonely talkin'

It would be easy for me
To lie in your arms tonight
Oh but in the morning light
Would it be right
Cause I want all of you
Not just a part of you
So tell me is it

Only the lonley talkin'
Me to keep on holding you this way
You know i want to
But I've got to be sure
It's not only the lonely talkin'

Baby we've got time
To make this thing right
But right here, right now
Tonight... it's

Only the lonley talkin'
Me to keep on holding you this way
You know i want to
But I've got to be sure
It's not only the lonely talkin'

Mirror lyrics:

It's not only the lonely talkin'
But I've got to be sure
You know i want to
Me to keep on holding you this way
Only the lonley talkin'

Tonight... it's
But right here, right now
To make this thing right
Baby we've got time

It's not only the lonely talkin'
But I've got to be sure
You know i want to
Me to keep on holding you this way
Only the lonley talkin'

So tell me is it
Not just a part of you
Cause I want all of you
Would it be right
Oh but in the morning light
To lie in your arms tonight
It would be easy for me

It's not only the lonely talkin'
But I've got to be sure
You know i want to
Me to keep on holding you this way
Only the lonley talkin'

But we both know it's
I want to believe it
When you say you're over her
Maybe we should wait
But as your friend I've got to say
For you to look at me this way
Was a time when I would have given anything
What a surprise
In a brand new light
Looking at me tonight
Your baby blues

Relevant Tags:
OOnly TThe LLonely TTalkin' nly he onely alkin' nOly hTe oLnely aTlkin' knly fhe konely falkin' kOnly fThe kLonely fTalkin' Oknly Tfhe Lkonely Tfalkin'
9nly 5he oonely 5alkin' 9Only 5The oLonely 5Talkin' O9nly T5he Loonely T5alkin' 0nly hhe ponely halkin' 0Only hThe pLonely hTalkin' O0nly Thhe Lponely Thalkin'
lnly yhe yalkin' lOnly yThe Lnely yTalkin' Olnly Tyhe Lnoely Tyalkin' inly 6he Lknely 6alkin' iOnly 6The 6Talkin' Oinly T6he Loknely T6alkin'
Onnly ghe L9nely galkin' Oly gThe L9onely gTalkin' Olny Tghe Lo9nely Tgalkin' Omly rhe L0nely ralkin' Omnly rThe L0onely rTalkin' Onmly Trhe Lo0nely Tralkin'
Ohly Llnely Taalkin' Ohnly Te Llonely Tlkin' Onhly Teh Lolnely Tlakin' Ojly Tje Linely Tzlkin' Ojnly Tjhe Lionely Tzalkin' Onjly Thje Loinely Tazlkin'
Obly Tue Lonnely Tqlkin' Obnly Tuhe Loely Tqalkin' Onbly Thue Loenly Taqlkin' Onlly Tne Lomely Tslkin' Ony Tnhe Lomnely Tsalkin' Onyl Thne Lonmely Taslkin'
Onky Tbe Lohely Twlkin' Onkly Tbhe Lohnely Twalkin' Onlky Thbe Lonhely Tawlkin' Onoy Tge Lojely Txlkin' Onoly Lojnely Txalkin' Onloy Thge Lonjely Taxlkin'
Onpy Tye Lobely Tallkin' Onply Lobnely Takin' Onlpy Thye Lonbely Taklin' Onlyy Thee Loneely Takkin' Onl Th Lonly Taklkin' Only The Lonley Talkkin'
Onlg Ths Lonsly Taokin' Onlgy Thse Lonsely Taolkin' Onlyg Thes Lonesly Talokin' Onlh Th3 Lon3ly Tapkin' Onlhy Th3e Lon3ely Taplkin'

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