Danny Byrd
Sweet Harmony (feat. Liquid)

Is it right or wrong
Try to find a place
We can all belong?

Be as one
Try to get on by
If we unify
We should really try...
All this time
Spinning round and round
Made the same mistakes
That we've always found
Surely now

We culd move along
Make a better world?
No it can't be wrong

Let's come together
Right now
Oh yeah
In sweet harmony

Time is running out

Let there be no doubt
We should sort things out
If we care
Like we say we do
Not just empty words
For a week or two
Make the world
Your priority
Try to live your life

Play a part
In a greater scheme
Try to live the dream
On a wider scene

Let's come together
Right now
Oh yeah

In sweet harmony

Mirror lyrics:

In sweet harmony

Oh yeah
Right now
Let's come together

On a wider scene
Try to live the dream
In a greater scheme
Play a part

Try to live your life
Your priority
Make the world
For a week or two
Not just empty words
Like we say we do
If we care
We should sort things out
Let there be no doubt

Time is running out

In sweet harmony
Oh yeah
Right now
Let's come together

No it can't be wrong
Make a better world?
We culd move along

Surely now
That we've always found
Made the same mistakes
Spinning round and round
All this time
We should really try...
If we unify
Try to get on by
Be as one

We can all belong?
Try to find a place
Is it right or wrong

Relevant Tags:
SSweet HHarmony ((feat. LLiquid) weet armony feat. iquid) wSeet aHrmony f(eat. iLquid) zweet jarmony (ffeat. kiquid) zSweet jHarmony (eat. kLiquid)
Szweet Hjarmony (efat. Lkiquid) wweet uarmony (ceat. oiquid) wSweet uHarmony (cfeat. oLiquid) Swweet Huarmony (fceat. Loiquid) dweet narmony (reat. piquid)
dSweet nHarmony (rfeat. pLiquid) Sdweet Hnarmony (freat. Lpiquid) eweet barmony (geat. Liiquid) eSweet bHarmony (gfeat. Lquid) Seweet Hbarmony (fgeat. Lqiuid)
xweet garmony (teat. Ljquid) xSweet gHarmony (tfeat. Ljiquid) Sxweet Hgarmony (fteat. Lijquid) aweet yarmony (veat. L9quid) aSweet yHarmony (vfeat. L9iquid)
Saweet Hyarmony (fveat. Li9quid) Haarmony (deat. Llquid) Seet Hrmony (dfeat. Lliquid) Sewet Hramony (fdeat. Lilquid) Saeet Hzrmony (feeat. Loquid)
Hzarmony (fat. Swaeet Hazrmony (faet. Lioquid) S3eet Hqrmony (fsat. Lkquid) S3weet Hqarmony (fseat. Sw3eet Haqrmony (fesat. Likquid)
Sdeet Hsrmony (f3at. L8quid) Hsarmony (f3eat. L8iquid) Swdeet Hasrmony (fe3at. Li8quid) Seeet Hwrmony (ffat. Luquid) Hwarmony Luiquid)
Sweeet Hawrmony (fefat. Liuquid) Sseet Hxrmony (frat. Liqquid) Ssweet Hxarmony Liuid) Swseet Haxrmony (ferat. Liuqid) S2eet Harrmony (f4at. Liauid)
S2weet Hamony (f4eat. Liaquid) Sw2eet Hamrony (fe4at. Liqauid) Sqeet Hadmony (fdat. Li2uid) Sqweet Hadrmony Li2quid) Swqeet Hardmony (fedat. Liq2uid)
Ha4mony (fwat. Liwuid) Swet Ha4rmony (fweat. Liwquid) Sweet Har4mony (fewat. Liqwuid) Swset Hagmony (feaat. Lisuid) Hagrmony (fet. Lisquid)
Sweset Hargmony (feta. Liqsuid) Sw3et Hatmony (fezt. Li1uid) Hatrmony (fezat. Li1quid) Swe3et Hartmony (feazt. Liq1uid) Swfet Ha5mony (feqt. Liquuid)
Swfeet Ha5rmony (feqat. Liqid) Swefet Har5mony (feaqt. Liqiud) Swret Hafmony (fest. Liqhid) Swreet Hafrmony Liqhuid) Sweret Harfmony (feast. Liquhid)
Sw4et Haemony (fewt. Liq7id) Sw4eet Haermony Liq7uid) Swe4et Haremony (feawt. Liqu7id) Swdet Harmmony (fext. Liqkid) Harony (fexat. Liqkuid)

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