Danni Leigh
My Last Chance Is Gone

(Lucky Lawrence)

These darker skies

Know somehow where to find me

As far as I run

They're always right behind me

To take my hope away

With every passing day

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

I hear the voices

Saying have mercy

Behind your wicked smile

The truth lives in your eyes

This game, I cannot win

The victim once again

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

Helpless, I fall

Sweet poison pulls me under

Breath of your kiss

The magic and the wonder

It's useless to pretend

My sorrow knows no end

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

Mirror lyrics:

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

My sorrow knows no end

It's useless to pretend

The magic and the wonder

Breath of your kiss

Sweet poison pulls me under

Helpless, I fall

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

The victim once again

This game, I cannot win

The truth lives in your eyes

Behind your wicked smile

Saying have mercy

I hear the voices

I know from now on, my last chance is gone

With every passing day

To take my hope away

They're always right behind me

As far as I run

Know somehow where to find me

These darker skies

(Lucky Lawrence)

Relevant Tags:
MMy LLast CChance IIs GGone y ast hance s one yM aLst hCance sI oGne jy kast fhance js hone jMy kLast fChance jIs hGone Mjy Lkast Cfhance Ijs Ghone
ky oast xhance 9s yone kMy oLast xChance 9Is yGone Mky Loast Cxhance I9s Gyone ny past vhance ls bone nMy pLast vChance lIs bGone Mny Lpast Cvhance Ils Gbone
Myy Laast dhance os vone M Lst dChance oIs vGone My Lsat Cdhance Ios Gvone Mg Lzst Chhance ks fone Mgy Lzast Cance kIs fGone Myg Lazst Cahnce Iks Gfone
Mh Lqst Cjance 8s tone Mhy Lqast Cjhance 8Is tGone Myh Laqst Chjance I8s Gtone M6 Lsst Cuance us Goone M6y Lsast Cuhance uIs Gne My6 Lasst Chuance Ius Gnoe
Mu Lwst Cnance Iss Gkne Muy Lwast Cnhance I Gkone Myu Lawst Chnance Is Gokne M7 Lxst Cbance Iz G9ne M7y Lxast Cbhance Izs G9one My7 Laxst Chbance Isz Go9ne
Mj Cgance Iw G0ne Lat Cghance Iws G0one Myj Lats Chgance Isw Go0ne Mt Lazt Cyance Id Glne Mty Cyhance Ids Glone Myt Laszt Chyance Isd Golne
Lawt Chaance Ie Gine Chnce Ies Gione Laswt Chnace Ise Goine Ladt Chznce Ix Gonne Ladst Chzance Ixs Goe Lasdt Chaznce Isx Goen
Laet Chqnce Ia Gome Laest Chqance Ias Gomne Laset Chaqnce Isa Gonme Laxt Chsnce Gohe Chsance Gohne Lasxt Chasnce Gonhe
Laat Chwnce Goje Chwance Gojne Lasat Chawnce Gonje Lastt Chxnce Gobe Las Chxance Gobne

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