Cliff Richard
A Misunderstood Man

A misunderstood man
The story is a famous one
Now worshipped, now dismissed
Rehearsed and trawled for meanings
That may well not exist
The demon at the story's heart
The cuckoo in the nest
Gives little of himself away
Which is of course why you will stay
In case he falters, should betray
By whom or what possessed

These are the facts of the matter
These are the names in the case
This is the story, the passion
The time and the place
They're laid here before you
So judge if you can -
The devil incarnate or
A misunderstood man?

His origins, his way of life
His motives - they're all news
No shortage of detractors
To air their noisy views
The man inspires a thousand lies
The lover takes his choise
Remaining coldly in control
Aware that sadly, on the whole
It is the fool who bares his soul
I'll give the man a voice!

These are the facts of the matter
These are the names in the case
This is the story, the passion
The time and the place
They're laid here before you
So judge if you can -
The devil incarnate or
A misunderstood man?

Mirror lyrics:

A misunderstood man?
The devil incarnate or
So judge if you can -
They're laid here before you
The time and the place
This is the story, the passion
These are the names in the case
These are the facts of the matter

I'll give the man a voice!
It is the fool who bares his soul
Aware that sadly, on the whole
Remaining coldly in control
The lover takes his choise
The man inspires a thousand lies
To air their noisy views
No shortage of detractors
His motives - they're all news
His origins, his way of life

A misunderstood man?
The devil incarnate or
So judge if you can -
They're laid here before you
The time and the place
This is the story, the passion
These are the names in the case
These are the facts of the matter

By whom or what possessed
In case he falters, should betray
Which is of course why you will stay
Gives little of himself away
The cuckoo in the nest
The demon at the story's heart
That may well not exist
Rehearsed and trawled for meanings
Now worshipped, now dismissed
The story is a famous one
A misunderstood man

Relevant Tags:
AA MMisunderstood MMan isunderstood an A iMsunderstood aMn z jisunderstood jan zA jMisunderstood jMan Az Mjisunderstood Mjan
q kisunderstood kan qA kMisunderstood kMan Aq Mkisunderstood Mkan s nisunderstood nan sA nMisunderstood nMan As Mnisunderstood Mnan
w Miisunderstood Maan wA Msunderstood Mn Aw Msiunderstood Mna x Mjsunderstood Mzn xA Mzan Ax Mijsunderstood Mazn
M9sunderstood Mqn M9isunderstood Mqan Mi9sunderstood Maqn Mlsunderstood Msn Mlisunderstood Msan Milsunderstood Masn
Mosunderstood Mwn Moisunderstood Mwan Miosunderstood Mawn Mksunderstood Mxn Mxan Miksunderstood Maxn
M8sunderstood Mann M8isunderstood Ma Mi8sunderstood Man Musunderstood Mam Muisunderstood Mamn Miusunderstood Manm
Missunderstood Mah Miunderstood Mahn Miusnderstood Manh Mizunderstood Maj Mizsunderstood Majn Miszunderstood Manj
Miwunderstood Mab Miwsunderstood Mabn Miswunderstood Manb Midunderstood Midsunderstood Misdunderstood
Mieunderstood Miesunderstood Miseunderstood Mixunderstood Mixsunderstood Misxunderstood
Miaunderstood Miasunderstood Misaunderstood Misuunderstood Misnderstood Misnuderstood
Mishnderstood Mishunderstood Misuhnderstood Mis7nderstood Mis7understood Misu7nderstood
Misknderstood Miskunderstood Misuknderstood Misinderstood Misiunderstood Misuinderstood
Mis8nderstood Mis8understood Misu8nderstood Misjnderstood Misjunderstood Misujnderstood
Misynderstood Misyunderstood Misuynderstood Misunnderstood Misuderstood Misudnerstood
Misumderstood Misumnderstood Misunmderstood Misuhderstood Misunhderstood Misujderstood
Misunjderstood Misubderstood Misubnderstood Misunbderstood Misundderstood Misunerstood
Misunedrstood Misunxerstood Misunxderstood Misundxerstood Misuneerstood Misunederstood
Misundeerstood Misunferstood Misunfderstood Misundferstood Misunrerstood Misunrderstood
Misundrerstood Misuncerstood Misuncderstood Misundcerstood Misunserstood Misunsderstood
Misundserstood Misundrstood Misundrestood Misundsrstood

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